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Job title: Part-time Faculty, Intermedia; BFA Thesis Mentor; Assistant Professor at Willamette University
Role: Visiting Scholar
Topics: Performance, Scholar
Job title: Professor of English at University of California, Riverside
Role: Visiting Scholar
Job title: 2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses
Role: ARC Fellows, Poetry and the Senses Fellows

Glenda Drew

Job title: Media Artist and Professor of Design at UC Davis
Role: Visiting Artist

Jesse Drew

Job title: Professor of Technocultural Studies at UC Davis
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Painter, Filmmaker, Installation Artist
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: ARC Fellow and Professor Emeritus of Architecture in the College of Environmental Design at UC Berkeley
Role: ARC Fellows
Job title: Poet and Professor
Role: Visiting Writer
Job title: ARC Fellow and Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies and Science and Technology Studies at UC Davis
Role: ARC Fellows
Job title: Curator
Role: Visiting Curator
Job title: Poet, Professor, Co-Founder of Cave Canem
Role: Visiting Writer

Sierra Edd

Job title: 2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab
Role: ARC Fellows, Indigenous Poetics Lab Fellows
Research interests:

Sierra Edd’s dissertation project addresses various Indigenous music artists and their practices and techniques to ask how musicking relates to Native identity, movement, and belonging across various backgrounds and territories.


Ugo Edu

Job title: ARC Fellow and Assistant Professor in the Department of African American Studies at UCLA
Role: ARC Fellows
Topics: Scholar, ARC Fellow
Job title: Scholar, Writer, and Curator and Director of Curatorial Affairs at the Whitney Museum of American Art
Role: Visiting Curator
Job title: ARC Fellow and Professor of Asian Studies and Professor of Southeast Asian Studies at UC Berkeley
Role: ARC Fellows
Topics: Scholar, ARC Fellow
Job title: Dramturg, Professor of Drama at Oslo Metropolitan University
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: ARC Fellow, Artist, Educator, and Arts Administrator
Role: ARC Fellows

Nadia Elbgal

Job title: Oakland Youth Laureate
Role: Visiting Writer

Tarek Elhaik

Job title: Professor of Anthropology at UC Davis
Role: Moderator, Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Poet
Role: Visiting Writer