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Job title: ARC Fellow and Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Literatures & Cultures at George Washington University
Role: ARC Fellows
Job title: Vice President, Office of the Vice President for the Arts at Stanford University
Role: Moderator

Seth Curcio

Job title: Co-owner of Shula Nazarian Gallery
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Professor of Dance Theory at Oslo National Academy of the Arts
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: Editor, Writer, Curator
Role: Visiting Writer

DJ Lamont

Job title: DJ, Founder of Fingersnaps Media Arts
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: Poet, Educator
Role: Flash Reader
Job title: Multimedia Artist, Professor of Film & Digital Media at UC Santa Cruz
Role: Visiting Lecturer

Jeff Davis

Job title: University Carillonist
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: ARC Fellow and Helen Pardee Professor of History of Art at UC Berkeley
Role: ARC Fellows, Moderator, Affiliated Faculty

Michael Dear

Job title: Professor Emeritus of City & Regional Planning At UC Berkeley
Role: Visiting Scholar
Job title: Visual Artist
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: Independent Curator, Organizer, Art Journalist, Web-Media Producer
Role: Visiting Curator
Job title: Photographer, Educator
Role: Visiting Artist

T.J. Demos

Job title: Art Historian, Cultural Critic, and Chair in Art History in the Department of the History of Art at UC Santa Cruz
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Senior Curator of Contemporary Art at Nevada Museum of Art
Role: Visiting Lecturer

Ahmad Diab

Job title: ARC Fellow and Assistant Professor of Modern Arabic Literature and Cinema at UC Berkeley
Role: ARC Fellows, Poetry and the Senses Fellows
Job title: Independent Filmmaker
Role: Visiting Lecturer

Natalie Diaz

Job title: Mojave American poet, Language Activist, Former Professional Basketball player, Educator
Role: Visiting Writer

Talia Dixon

Job title: 2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab
Role: ARC Fellows, Indigenous Poetics Lab Fellows
Research interests:

Through her creative and academic work, Talia hopes to promote the reclamation of cultural knowledge held within archived recordings of Luiseño songs and language.