Past Programs

Programs offered by the Arts Research Center in past academic years: 

Silhouetted individuals explore a vibrant installation with large, illuminated, balloon-like structures in hues of purple, pink, and orange.

Arts + Design Initiative

Berkeley Arts + Design featured, fortified, and mobilized existing excellence in the arts and design at UC Berkeley, while fostering dynamic collaboration, innovation, and public access across all arts and design fields, on campus and in public life.

Submission Happy Hour

It was everything a writer needed: free food, sympathetic friends, and a kick in the pants to submit their work for publication! Submisson Happy Hour was a BYOL (bring your own laptop) event. Writers arrived with piece or two they wanted to publish – ARC supplied the rest!

Arts + Science Residency

The Arts Research Center, in partnership with the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine & Society, hosted an artist-in-residence program that focused on nurturing exchanges between art, design, technology, science, and engineering at UC Berkeley, in the Bay Area, and across the region.