Each semester, ARC curates and presents a season of events, under a unifying theme, and in coordination with our many partners on campus.
These events have included artist lectures, readings, symposia, performances, conversations and salons, student productions, conferences, screenings, book launches and craft talks. ARC also supports events across campus with our mission and media co-sponorships, to uplift arts research developed by departments, faculty, and student groups.
ARC partners with the core arts departments of Art Practice, English, Film & Media, History of Art, Music, and Theater, Dance & Performance Studies, as well as dozens of campus affiliates including BAMPFA, Berkeley Center for New Media, the Center for Race & Gender, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Ethnic Studies, Lunch Poems, Native American Student Development, and the Dean's Office for the Division of Arts & Humanities. Our list of partners from the past few years can be found here.
Past themes have included Reclamation, Collaboration, Emerge/ncy, Arts of Critique from the Global South, Amatuerism, Valuing Labor in the Arts, Time Zones, Location/Translation, Studio Time, Temporal Shifts, etc. The theme for the 2024/25 school year is Duration.