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Job title: Interdisciplinary Artist
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: Environmental Anthropologist
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Poet, Professor of English at Stanford University
Role: Visiting Writer
Job title: Poet, Essayist, Robert Hass Chair in English at UC Berkeley
Role: Flash Reader

Philip Glass

Job title: Pianist, Composer
Role: Visiting Lecturer

Robert Glass

Job title: 2011 ARC Fellow
Role: ARC Fellows

Peter Glazer

Job title: Professor Emeritus in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at UC Berkeley
Role: Moderator
Topics: Performance, Scholar
Job title: Multidiscliplinary Artist
Role: Visiting Artist

Mark Godfrey

Job title: Art Historian, Critic, Former Curator at Tate Modern
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: 2016 ARC Fellow
Role: ARC Fellows

Ken Goldberg

Job title: 2011 & 2015 ARC Fellow
Role: ARC Fellows
Job title: Curator, Author, Media Artist, Head of the Contemporary Art Department at LACMA
Role: Visiting Lecturer

Joe Goode

Job title: 2012 ARC Fellow
Role: ARC Fellows

Anna Goodman

Job title: 2014 ARC Fellow
Role: ARC Fellows
Topics: Scholar, ARC Fellow
Job title: Professor, Poet, Former Stegner fellow
Role: Flash Reader
Job title: Playwright, Professor of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at UC Berkeley
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: 2014 ARC Fellow
Role: ARC Fellows

Maria Gough

Job title: Joseph Pulitzer, Jr. Professor of Modern Art at Harvard University
Topics: Scholar
Job title: City Planner, Urban Designer, Curator, Teacher
Role: Moderator

John Granzow

Job title: Chair of Performing Arts Technology & Associate Professor of Music at University of Michigan
Role: Visiting Artist