Visual Arts

Indigenous Poetics Lab: Wander & Wonder Writing Workshop with Måsi Santos

September 26, 2024
Indigenous Poetics Lab:
Wander & Wonder Writing Workshop with Måsi Santos Friday, Oct 18, 2024
10am – 12pm
Hearst Field Annex D23

10 people maximum, first-come first served registration

Open to UC Berkeley students, faculty, & staff

The workshop is free, all materials provided by the Arts Research Center

Please reserve a ticket to claim a space (...

Indigenous Poetics Lab: Zine Making Workshop with Sierra Edd

September 24, 2024
Indigenous Poetics Lab:
Zine Making Workshop with Sierra Edd Friday, Nov 15, 2024
10am – 12pm
Hearst Field Annex D23

20 people maximum, first-come first served registration

Open to UC Berkeley students, faculty, & staff

The workshop is free, all materials provided by the Arts Research Center

Please reserve a ticket to claim a space (reservations open...

Caroline Woolard

W.W. Corcoran Visiting Professor in Community Engagement & Founding Co-Organizer of

Caroline Woolard is the W.W. Corcoran Visiting Professor in Community Engagement and a founding co-organizer of She is the co-author of two major reports: Solidarity Not Charity (Grantmakers in the Arts, 2021) and Spirits and Logistics (Center for Cultural Innovation, 2022) and three books:...

Leslie St Dre

Artist, Organizer, Educator

Leslie St Dre (formerly Dreyer) is an artist, organizer and educator dedicated to building joyfully militant and intersectional movements for land and housing justice. They’ve spent the past decade honing a tactical arts organizing practice utilizing integrated narrative and media strategies. This work merges popular education, on-the-ground organizing, direct action, performance and visual art towards specific goals to change our collective situation. The actions become ephemeral multigenerational community spaces where unhoused and housed...

Cara Romero

Contemporary Fine Art Photographer

Cara Romero (b. 1977, Inglewood, CA) is a contemporary fine art photographer. An enrolled citizen of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe, Romero was raised between contrasting settings: the rural Chemehuevi reservation in Mojave Desert, CA and the urban sprawl of Houston, TX. Romero’s identity informs her photography, a blend of fine art and editorial photography, shaped by years of study and a visceral approach to representing Indigenous and non-Indigenous cultural memory, collective history, and lived experiences from a Native American female perspective.

As an...

Gavin Kroeber

Freelance producer and co-founder of Experience Economies.

Gavin Kroeber's projects and writings poach from visual art, urban theory, and performance. He produces curatorial projects, artistic research platforms, and performance events that interrogate the cultural dynamics of power and their expression in the poetics of place. He is a frequent contributor to Art in America...

Christian Frock

Independent Writer, Curator, Educator, and Public Scholar

Christian L. Frock is a writer, curator, educator, and scholar with more than twenty years professional experience in the cultural sector. Her work and research focus on the intersection of the arts and humanities, politics, and public life. Her projects center the arts and humanities in social progress and systemic change. Frock’s work bridges museums, private enterprise, civic institutions, nonprofits, grassroots organizations, public space, placemaking/keeping, education, philanthropy, and legacy.

Her books include Rex Ray (2020), Eureka at Thirty Years (2017), Public Works:...

Imanuel Schipper

Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Physical Performance at the Estonian Academy of Nusic and Theatre

Imanuel Schipper holds MAs in theatre and dance studies and in acting. He has been working as a dramaturg for many years with the well-known German Performance group, Rimini Protokoll with whom, he has developed a contemporary way of documentary theatre as intervention, as political think tanks.

He has been a deputy professor, senior lecturer, senior researcher at different universities and art academies in Germany, Switzerland and other countries in the field of performance studies, cultural theory and art theory. He works and publishes widley on the interface...

Julia Bryan-Wilson

Former ARC Director, Professor & Scholar of Modern and Contemporary Art
History of Art

Julia Bryan-Wilson's research interests include feminist and queer theory, theories of artistic labor, performance and dance, production/fabrication, craft histories, photography, video, visual culture of the nuclear age, and collaborative practices. She is the author of four books: Art Workers: Radical Practice in the Vietnam War Era (University of California, 2009, named a best book of the year by the New York Times and Artforum); Art in the Making: Artists and Their Materials from the Studio to Crowdsourcing (with Glenn Adamson,...

Andrea Giunta

Professor of Latin American Art History and Criticism and Director of the Center for Latin American Visual Studies at the University of Texas, Austin

Andrea Giunta is Professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, where she got her PhD, and is Principal Researcher of the CONICET, Argentina. She is the author of several books on Latin American and International Art, such as Rethinking Everything / Pensar todo de nuevo / Puisqu’il fallait tout repenser (Paris, delpire & co, 2021) Contra el canon. El arte contemporáneo en un mundo sin centro (Siglo XXI, 2020), Feminismo y arte latinoamericano. Historias de artistas que emanciparon los cuerpos (Siglo...