
Måsi Santos

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Måsi Santos (she/her) is an Indigenous Pacific Islander (Chamoru) from the Mariana Islands in Micronesia, specifically Luta and Guåhan. She received a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a master’s degree in English (Linguistics emphasis) from the Unibetsedåt Guåhan, and is a PhD student in the Berkeley Linguistics Department. As a speaker of her Indigenous language (Chamoru), she is a staunch advocate for reclamation and revitalization of Indigenous languages in her homelands and worldwide.

Pa Vue

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Pa Vue (she / her / nws) works to reclaim Hmong language, culture, and knowledge. She writes to explore the connection between literacy, language, and creativity. Her writing draws from paj huam, a traditional Hmong spoken poetry, and Hmoob kev hu plig, Hmong soul calling practices. Visit her on Instagram

Jesús Nazario

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Jesús Nazario/ Nahua, Alto Balsas (he/they) is a Nahua scholar from Northwest Houston, Texas with ancestral roots in a Nahua town in Guerrero, Mexico. Jesús received a Master’s of Arts in Latin American Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, and most recently a Master’s of Arts in Ethnic Studies from UC Berkeley. Currently, Jehj is a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellow, Office of Graduate Diversity Community and Diversity Fellow, and Graduate Student Fellow for the Berkeley Food Institute. As someone who learned their Indigenous language, Nahuatl,...

Sabrina Jaszi

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Sabrina Jaszi (she / her)

In her work as a translator, editor, and PhD student in UC Berkeley’s Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Sabrina brings attention to the indigenous languages of Central Asia. She is a co-founder of Turkoslavia, a translation collective devoted to Turkic and Slavic literature, and a co-editor of Turkoslavia journal.

Tzintia Montano-Ramirez

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Tzintia Montano-Ramirez (she / her) is Ña’à Davi Chilanga very interested in cultural identities. Her interests focus on language revitalization and reclamation, fieldwork and language documentation of the Mixtec from Southern Puebla, Mexico. She likes the geographical compound words of OaxaCalifornia and PueblaYork, since they condense very complex meanings and experiences. However, she does not only like these terms, but she has also worked with these diaspora communities at different levels. She’s currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of California...

Claudia Iron Hawk

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Claudia Iron Hawk / Thaopi Waste Win (she/her) is a D/Lakota linguist from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST) in South Dakota. She has a bachelor’s in Anthropology & Native American and Indigenous studies from UMN and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Linguistics at UC Berkeley. She is an Indigenous language revitalization advocate who speaks and works with her heritage language D/Lakotiya.

Sierra Edd

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Sierra Edd (she / her) is a Diné writer and artist who grew up in Durango, Colorado. She is Tł’ógi, born for the Kinłichii’nii people. She is currently an Ethnic Studies doctoral student and resides in Ohlone Territory. Her research examines the political significance of listening, creating, and connecting through Indigenous music across various U.S. contexts. Recently, she has been collaborating and working on zine projects (“...

Talia Dixon

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Talia Dixon (she / her) is an enrolled member of the Pauma Band of Luiseños (Payómkawichum) in San Diego County. She grew up in Hemet California and graduated with her B.F.A. in modern dance from the University of Utah in 2021. She is a dancer, artist, and currently a Ph.D. student in Performance Studies on Ohlone land at UC Berkeley.

Angel Sobotta

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Angel Sobotta is an enrolled member of the Nez Perce Tribe. She has worked for the Nez Perce Language since 1998, serving as a coordinator and teaching language at Lapwai schools, the mamayá’snim hitéemenwees – Children’s Learning place, Kamiah and Clearwater Valley schools, Northwest Indian College, Lewis-Clark State College, the University of Idaho, and Washington State University. Sobotta’s research is Titwáatit, Nimipuutímt, Wéetes: Ceptemelíxnikt Nimipuuwíitki kaa Cukwenéewit – The Stories, Niimíipuu Language, Land: Investigating the Nez Perce People’s Way of...

Translation as Research

February 13, 2018
Translation as Research with Ahmad Diab, Anneka Lenssen, and Kathy Zarur Tuesday, February 13 at 6:00 pm
126 Dwinelle Annex, UC Berkeley

Watch the recording here!

To celebrate the upcoming publication of the anthology Modern Art in the Arab World: Primary Documents (New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2018), co-editor Anneka Lenssen (Assistant Professor, Global Modern Art, UC Berkeley) joins Ahmad Diab(Assistant Professor of Arabic Literature, UC...