Angel Sobotta was an ARC Fellow in Fall 2023 with the Poetry & the Senses initiative, in collaboration with luk’upsíimey – she was chosen in the Community Fellow category.
Angel Sobotta is an enrolled member of the Nez Perce Tribe. She has worked for the Nez Perce Language since 1998, serving as a coordinator and teaching language at Lapwai schools, the mamayá’snim hitéemenwees – Children’s Learning place, Kamiah and Clearwater Valley schools, Northwest Indian College, Lewis-Clark State College, the University of Idaho, and Washington State University. Sobotta’s research is Titwáatit, Nimipuutímt, Wéetes: Ceptemelíxnikt Nimipuuwíitki kaa Cukwenéewit – The Stories, Niimíipuu Language, Land: Investigating the Nez Perce People’s Way of Thinking and Knowing. She is a member of Luk’upsíimey – NorthStar Collective, which revitalizes language creatively through writing. She has publications in Nez Perce Women’s Writers Institute Anthology NPWWI (2018), Yellow Medicine Review (2020), and a chapbook with Luk’upsíimey: The North Star Collective (2022).