Angel Sobotta

Job title: 
2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Angel Sobotta is an enrolled member of the Nez Perce Tribe. She has worked for the Nez Perce Language since 1998, serving as a coordinator and teaching language at Lapwai schools, the mamayá’snim hitéemenwees – Children’s Learning place,  Kamiah and Clearwater Valley schools,  Northwest Indian College, Lewis-Clark State College, the University of Idaho, and Washington State University. Sobotta’s research is Titwáatit, Nimipuutímt, Wéetes: Ceptemelíxnikt Nimipuuwíitki kaa Cukwenéewit – The Stories, Niimíipuu Language, Land: Investigating the Nez Perce People’s Way of Thinking and Knowing. She is a member of Luk’upsíimey – NorthStar Collective, which revitalizes language creatively through writing. She has publications in Nez Perce Women’s Writers Institute Anthology NPWWI (2018), Yellow Medicine Review (2020), and a chapbook with Luk’upsíimey: The North Star Collective (2022).

Angel was an ARC Fellow in Fall 2023 with the Poetry & the Senses initiative, in collaboration with luk’upsíimey – she was chosen in the Community Fellow category.