Tzintia Montano-Ramirez

Job title: 
2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Tzintia Montano-Ramirez (she / her) is Ña’à Davi Chilanga very interested in cultural identities. Her interests focus on language revitalization and reclamation, fieldwork and language documentation of the Mixtec from Southern Puebla, Mexico. She likes the geographical compound words of OaxaCalifornia and PueblaYork, since they condense very complex meanings and experiences. However, she does not only like these terms, but she has also worked with these diaspora communities at different levels. She’s currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley. She also likes frogs and turkeys.

Research interests: 

Her research focused on language documentation and revitalization of Mixtec from Southern Puebla, México.