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Job title: Novelist, Professor, Former Stegner Fellow
Role: Flash Reader
Job title: Former ARC Director, Moderator
Role: Moderator, Affiliated Faculty, Researcher

Vic Brooks

Job title: Filmmaker, Senior Curator of Time-Based Visual Art at EMPAC
Role: Visiting Curator
Job title: Artist, Activist
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: Creative Producer
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Scholar, Editor
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Former ARC Director, Professor & Scholar of Modern and Contemporary Art
Department: History of Art
Role: Moderator, Affiliated Faculty, Researcher


Job title: Collaborative Artistic Pair Focused on Media Installations
Role: Visiting Artist
Job title: Hoopla CEO at Another Bullwinkel Show
Job title: Director of The Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School and formerly the Maxine Elliot Chair in the Department of Comparative Literature and the Program of Critical Theory at the University of California, Berkeley
Role: Visiting Scholar

Corey Byrnes

Job title: ARC Fellow and Associate Professor of Chinese Culture at Northwestern University
Role: ARC Fellows

Sarah Cahill

Job title: Pianist, Radio Host, Writer, Producer
Role: Visiting Lecturer

Jindong Cai

Job title: Director of the Stanford Symphony Orchestra, Professor of Music and Arts at Bard College
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: Professor of City & Regional Planning, Carmel P. Friesen Chair in Urban Studies
Role: Affiliated Faculty
Topics: Scholar
Job title: Composer, Performer, Collaborating Artist, and Professor of Music Composition and Director at the Center for New Music & Audio Technologies at UC Berkeley
Role: Visiting Lecturer
Job title: 2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses
Role: ARC Fellows, Poetry and the Senses Fellows
Job title: Writer, San Francisco Historian, Photographer, Book & Magazine Designer
Role: Visiting Writer
Job title: ARC Fellow, Scholar, Critic, and Translator
Role: ARC Fellows
Research interests:

The intersection of voice, ideologies of language and intelligibility, recording technology and politics in twentieth century music and sound practices. ​

Job title: Professor of Rhetoric, Comparative Literature, and Spanish
Role: Moderator
Topics: Curatorial, Scholar