Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk

Job title: 
Dramturg, Professor of Drama at Oslo Metropolitan University

Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk was a Visiting Artist Panel Participant at the Nordic Time Zones Conference at the Arts Research Center on March 26, 2014.

Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk is a practicing dramaturg within the scope of interdisciplinary performing arts. Her research concerns new dramaturgies, staging of documentary material, Applied theatre, and ethics and artistic research. She holds an MA in Performance Studies from New York University, and a PhD from Roehampton University/ London where she developed the concept 'Theatre-ting', which is a meeting between the possibilities offered by the spaces of theatre and object-oriented philosophy, new materialist, post-human perspectives and documentary material. Eeg-Tverbakk is former artistic director of the acting program at Norwegian Theatre Academy/ NTA (2007-11), where she also led the artistic research project Material Strategies 2018-19. She was part of the artistic research project Extended Composition at the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH). She was Professor II at Malmø Theatre Academy/ Lund University from 2019-21, and is represented in the committee for artistic research in the Swedish Research Council 2022-24. Leading the research group for Artistic Research at Institute for Art, Design and Drama.