
Thinking across the Arts and Design at Berkeley: The Architecture of Life Public Talks, Spring 2016

In January of 2016 a new chapter in the story of arts and design at Berkeley begins with a new building: the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) will open its doors at a new location and will present the exhibition “Architecture of Life.” In partnership with BAMPFA, and in collaboration with the many scholars, artists, and departments across the UC Berkeley campus, a series of public talks will be offered in the spring associated with the Big Ideas course: Thinking Across the Arts and Design at Berkeley: The Architecture of Life...

Reimagining the Urban: Bay Area Connections Across the Arts and Public Space

Reimagining the Urban Bay Area Connections Across the Arts and Public Space September 30, 2013

Reimagining the Urban is a daylong symposium examining art, nature, economic development and equity in the Bay Area metropolis. Artists, curators, real estate developers, environmentalists and social justice advocates gather to discuss the uses and abuses of the region’s creative and natural resources.

Questioning Aesthetics Symposium

March 13, 2015
Questioning Aesthetics Symposium March 13, 2015 9:30am-5:30pm
308A Doe Library
History of Art Department, UC Berkeley

Free and open to the public

Watch Part 1 here, Part 2 here, and Part 3 here!

Creative Time Summit: Stockholm Rebroadcast

The Creative Time Summit Re-Broadcast Friday, November 14: California College of the Arts
Monday, November 17: UC Berkeley Co-hosted with CCA Graduate Fine Arts Department and ART SCHOOL X

Living Time: Art and Life After ‘Art-Into-Life’

February 20, 2014
Living Time: Art and Life After ‘Art-Into-Life’ February 20 and 21, 2014

In February 2014, and hosted to coincide with the UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive’s spring exhibition, “The Possible,” this gathering brought together artists, curators, and scholars from a variety of art fields and regions of the world to think about the connections between and boundaries separating “art” and “life.” While past gatherings focused on particular regions of the world, Living Time worked “across time zones.” It considered how we have come to terms with the promise of and the...

Creative Time Live Stream

Creative Time Live Stream

In October of 2012 and 2013, the Arts Research Center and the Curatorial Practice Program at the California College of the Arts partnered with Creative Time to host a live-streaming of their annual Creative Time Summit. The live-streaming event provided a collective viewing experience for Bay Area artists, curators, scholars, and activists who are concerned with arts and social change. In addition to seeing the talks and panels from New York, participants had access to local responses and face-to-face small-group discussions.

In 2012, the focus...

Location/Translation: Art + Engagement from the Local to the Global

September 19, 2012
Location/Translation Art + Engagement from the Local to the Global September 19, 2012

Watch the recording here!

Timed to coincide with SFMOMA’s transnational exhibition, “Lines of Flight,” a panel of curators, artists, and scholars discussed how regional circumstances affect curatorial practice in international art contexts–and how “global” conversations can redefine what we think of as “local” production. The roster included curators from local...

Spiraling Time: Intermedial Conversations in Latin American Arts

March 15, 2013
Spiraling Time Intermedial Conversations in Latin American Arts March 15 and 16, 2013

Watch Leda Martins's talk here!

Watch Cecilia Vicuña's talk here!

On March 15 and 16, 2013, the Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley will present Spiraling Time: Intermedial...

Spring 2023 Co-Sponsored Events

Spring 2023 Co-Sponsored Events

ARC was thrilled to be co-sponsoring with Arts+ Design, Berkeley Center for New Media, Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry, Center for Latin American Studies, Engaging the Senses Foundation, English Department's Lunch Poems series, Future Histories Lab, Stanford and SFMOMA, and the Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies in Spring of 2023!