Cheryl Haines: “Creative Interventions and Social Activation”

Pixelated portraits laid on the ground

Weiwei, Trace, 2014 (installation detail, New Industries Building, Alcatraz); photo: Jan Stürmann, courtesy FOR-SITE Foundation.

November 3, 2014

Creative Interventions and Social Activation

with Cheryl Haines

Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
November 3, 2014, 7:30-9:00pm
The David Brower Center, Berkeley CA

Lectures are free and open to the public.

Watch the recording here!

Cheryl Haines is Principal and Director of Haines Gallery and Founding Executive Director of the FOR-SITE Foundation, both located in San Francisco. Through her Directorial roles at Haines Gallery and the FOR-SITE Foundation, Haines has for over 25 years developed exhibitions and site-specific public programming that has advanced discourse on ‘Art About Place’. Haines’ dynamic curatorial stance presents challenging and provocative exhibitions by artists working across a wide range of media who explore cultural and environmental issues. Over time, this position has expanded to include producing public, site-specific commissions on a national scale. Selected notable Bay Area projects include the installation of large-scale works by both James Turrell and Andy Goldsworthy at the de Young Museum, landscape interventions by Andy Goldsworthy in the Presidio, including Spire (2008),Wood Line (2010-2011) and Tree Fall (2013), and most recently @Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz, in which the internationally renowned Chinese artist and political dissident created sculpture, sound and mixed-media installations for the infamous former prison.

Cheryl Haines, "Creative Interventions and Social Activation"

Cheryl Haines, "Creative Interventions and Social Activation"