
Kinetic Contemplation: Raqs Media Collective in Medias Res with Shuddhabrata Sengupta

November 7, 2018
“Kinetic Contemplation: Raqs Media Collective in Medias Res” Shuddhabrata Sengupta in conversation with Professors Natalia Brizuela & Poulomi Saha Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Maude Fife Room, Wheeler Hall, Room 315

Watch the recording here or listen here!

Silvia Gruner in conversation with Tarek Elhaik

February 20, 2019
Artist & Curator Silvia Gruner in conversation with Tarek Elhaik Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Dwinelle Annex, Room 126

Watch the recording here or listen here!

Co-sponsors: Arts Research Center and UCHRI.

Rirkrit Tiravanija: “The Way Things Go”

February 23, 2015
The Way Things Go with Rirkrit Tiravanija Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium February 23, 2015, 7:30-9:00pm
The David Brower Center, Berkeley CA

Lectures are free and open to the public.

Watch the recording here!

Cheryl Haines: “Creative Interventions and Social Activation”

November 3, 2014
Creative Interventions and Social Activation with Cheryl Haines Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
November 3, 2014, 7:30-9:00pm
The David Brower Center, Berkeley CA

Lectures are free and open to the public.

Watch the recording here!

Contingent Intimacies: Queer Criticalities + Photographic Portraiture

February 27, 2020
Contingent Intimacies: Queer Criticalities + Photographic Portraiture
With Horace Ballard In conversation with Justin Underhill Thursday, February 27 | 5:00-7:00pm
Visual Resource Center, Room 308A | Doe Library, UC Berkeley

Co-sponsored by Arts Research Center, the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, and the Berkeley Center for New Media

A photograph is many things. It is a relationship, an index, a text, a betrayal. It is a contract. It is a sustainable fragility. It is a political act of community-making. It is a matrix of entangled signs and...

Art as Critique Conference

March 1, 2019
Art as Critique Conference Friday, March 1, 2019
Geballe Room, Townsend Center for the Humanities

Watch the recordings of Panel 1, Panel 2, Panel 3, and Panel 4!

The Arts and Public Service

May 11, 2017
The Arts and Public Service Thursday, May 11, from 6:00-8:00pm
Koret Education Center, SFMOMA, 151 Third Street, San Francisco

What role can artistic engagement play in imagining the future of public life? How might artistic research support public policy or strategies of social change? Join the Arts + Design Initiative, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art to explore the complex interplay between art and public service in the Bay Area.

Arts + Design Mondays @ BAMPFA

Arts + Design Mondays @ BAMPFA

Join us every Monday evening to explore cutting-edge thinking and making on topics of current interest to UC Berkeley’s creative faculty. Whether we are exploring new immersive art technologies, the future of cultural criticism, or the role of the arts in social justice, expect an exciting array of ideas and people. All lectures will commence at 6:30pm in the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (BAMPFA) Theater. Co-curated by...

Thinking Through the Arts and Design at Berkeley: California Countercultures

Spring 2017 Lecture Series: Thinking Through the Arts and Design at Berkeley: California Countercultures

We are reprising last year’s Big Ideas course, “Thinking Through the Arts and Design at Berkeley,” and once again, this course will open its doors to the public each Wednesday at noon. This year’s theme — “California Countercultures” — is co-taught and co-organized by Natasha Boas, independent curator, and critic of contemporary art and theory, and Michael Cohen...

Minding Time: Celebration of ‘Time Zones’ in Print, Exhibition, & Online

December 4, 2016
Minding Time: Celebration of ‘Time Zones’ in Print, Exhibition, & Online Sunday, December 4, 2016

3pm: Tour of Mind over Matter Exhibition
BAMPFA Galleries

4:00-5:30pm: Celebrating Time Zones
Dwinelle Annex, Room 126

5:30pm: West Coast Preview of In Terms of Performance Website
Dwinelle Annex, Room 126

6:00pm: Holiday Toast