The Magnes Collection, 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA
Whether we are imagining the role of the arts in social change, whether we are imagining new structures for sustaining the arts, artists and organizations increasingly tout the importance of the “cross-sector” partnership. What does it mean to work across non-profit, for-profit, and public sectors? How do partnerships differ depending upon the domain — in public health, cultural policy, public education, urban planning, social entrepreneurship, and more? How do artists, arts leaders, and arts organizations re-skill to establish cross-sector partnerships? What do the arts bring to such partnerships, and when do cultures clash? What new knowledge can be acquired across sectors, and when is it tempting to stay in one’s own lane?
This symposium brings together artists, scholars, curators, industry leaders, community organizers, and cultural administrators to mine the goals, pragmatics, and puzzles of “cross-sector” exchange. In plenary lectures, break-outs, and workshops, we will ask participants to share successful strategies and epic failures in cross-sector collaboration, exploring new practices of art-making, practitioner training, curation, cultural leadership, philanthropy, and cultural investment.
Plenary speakers and session leaders include Andy and Deborah Rappaport (Founders, The Minnesota Street Project), Lori Fogarty (CEO, Oakland Museum of California), Laura Raicovich (Executive Director, Queens Museum), Deborah Fisher (Executive Director, A Blade of Grass Foundation), Benjamin Grant (Urban Design Policy Director, SPUR), Nora Silver (Director, Haas Center for Social Sector Leadership, UC Berkeley), Deena Chalabi (Barbara and Stephan Vermut Associate Curator of Public Dialogue, SFMOMA), Catherine Cole (Department Chair and Professor, UC Berkeley), Shannon Jackson (Director, Arts Research Center and Associate Vice Chancellor for the Arts + Design, UC Berkeley), Paul Ramírez Jonas (Artist), Kevin Bott (Associate Director, Imagining America), and many others. See complete schedule below.
For more information about Open Engagement, click here. To register for the conference click here.
Plenary Lecture #1: The Museum as Urban Planner
Thursday, April 28, 2016
10 – 11:30am
Laura Raicovich, Queens Museum
Lori Fogarty, Oakland Museum of California
Chaired by: Shannon Jackson | Responses by Ben Grant (SPUR) and Deborah Fisher (A Blade of Grass)
Plenary Lecture #2: New Economic Instruments: Minnesota Street Project
11:30 – 1pm
Deborah and Andy Rappaport, Minnesota Street Project
Chaired by: Shannon Jackson | Responses by Nora Silver (Haas Center for Social Sector Leadership, UC Berkeley) and Julia Bryan-Wilson (History of Art, UC Berkeley)
1-2:15pm | Lunch Break
Breakout Session #1: Health, Planning, and Art
Malo Hutson, City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley
Brett Cook, Artist, Life is Living Festival
Jessica Wolin, HOPE SF Learning Center and Faculty in Health Education, San Francisco State University
Terra Graziani, The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
Moderated by: Evan Bissell, City and Regional Planning Program, UC Berkeley
Breakout Session #2: Working City Governance for the Arts
Moy Eng, Community Arts Stabilization Trust (CAST)
Anyka Barber, Betti Ono & Oakland Creative Neighborhood Coalition (OCNO)
Reed Davaz McGowan, Youth Art Exchange & Arts for a Better Bay Area (ABBA)
Jennifer Lovvorn, Berkeley Arts Commission
Moderated by: Ebony McKinney, Grantmaker, Advocate, co-founder Arts for a Better Bay Area (ABBA)
Breakout session #3: Public Outreach as Public Sector Practice
Deena Chalabi, SFMOMA
Jackie von Treskow, FOR-SITE Foundation
Lisa Sasaki, Oakland Museum of California
sharon maidenberg, Headlands Center for the Arts
Moderated by: Susan Moffat, Global Urban Humanities Initiative, UC Berkeley
4:15-4:30pm | Break
4:30-5:30pm | “Every Public has a Form” Closing Lecture by Paul Ramírez Jonas
Break-out Session #4: Arts & Business | Cross Sector Pedagogy
Friday, April 29, 2016
Sara Beckman, Business and Engineering, UC Berkeley
Catherine M. Cole, Theater, Dance and Performance Studies, UC Berkeley
Amanda Eicher, Art Practice, UC Berkeley
Marymoore Patterson, Haas Business School, UC Berkeley
Moderated by: Patty Debenham, Debenham Consulting
Breakout Session #5: Imagining America: Models for outreach
Kevin Bott, Imagining America
Presented as part of the 2016 Open Engagement conference, and by Arts Research Center and Arts + Design Initiative, in partnership with American Cultures, UC Berkeley and Imagining America.
Cross Sector Conference: The Museum as Urban Planner
Cross Sector Conference: New Economic Instruments: Minnesota Street Project
Cross Sector Conference: “Every Public has a Form” Closing Lecture by Paul Ramírez Jonas