Special Reception with Cheryl Haines in honor of “Creative Interventions and Social Activation”

Headshot of Cheryl Haines, she has teal hair, glasses, and is wearing black
November 3, 2014
Special Reception For:

Creative Interventions and Social Activation

with Cheryl Haines

Executive Director,  FOR-SITE Foundation & Curator, “@Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz”

as part of the Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium

November 3, 2014
5:30-7 p.m.
Hazel Wolf Gallery, The David Brower Center
2150 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA

Tickets are $100; please purchase your ticket here.

Join us for a cocktail reception in honor of Cheryl Haines & @LARGE: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz to help support our free public lecture series onArt, Technology, and Activism honoring the Free Speech Movement on the UC Berkeley campus. 

Enjoy food, conversation, and a signature cocktail prepared by Shanna Farrell, head researcher for “West Coast Cocktails: An Oral History” project at UC Berkeley’s Regional Oral History Office, before Haines’ public lecture: Creative Interventions and Social Activation.  Your ticket will help support our free public lecture series on Art, Technology, and Activism honoring the Free Speech Movement here on the UC Berkeley campus.

Please note:  The lecture will begin promptly at 7:30PM.

Reception ticket holders will be seated at the lecture.

Please help our staff by indicating whether you have already reserved a seat or whether we should add your party to the reservation list for the 7:30PM lecture.