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Nathan John

Job title: ARC Fellow, Designer, Writer and Visual artist
Role: ARC Fellows
Job title: Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at UC Irvine
Role: Visiting Scholar
Job title: ARC Indigenous Performing Arts Residency AIR, Diné playwright, Screenwriter and Dramaturg
Role: Artist-in-Residence

Erin Johnson

Job title: ARC Fellow, Visual Artist, and Filmmaker
Role: ARC Fellows
Job title: Public Installation, Sculpture, Video, and Performance Artist, and Professor, Art Department Chair, at the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning at Cornell University.
Role: Visiting Artist

Terry Jones

Job title: Producer, Screenwriter, and Director
Role: Visiting Artist

Eungie Joo

Job title: Curator of Contemporary Art at SF MoMA
Role: Visiting Curator
Job title: Spoken Word Artist, Writer, Librettist, and Cultural Strategist
Role: Visiting Writer

Leena Joshi

Job title: ARC Fellow, Artist, Writer, and Educator
Role: ARC Fellows
Job title: Writer, Director, Performer, and Co-Founder of Campo Santo
Role: Visiting Artist

Gary Kamiya

Job title: Author, Journalist and Historian of San Francisco
Role: Visiting Writer

Leandro Katz

Job title: Writer, Visual Artist and Filmmaker
Role: Visiting Artist

Asma Kazmi

Job title: ARC Fellow, Artist, and Associate Professor of Art at UC Berkeley
Role: ARC Fellows, Affiliated Faculty, Visiting Artist


Job title: Hawaiʻi's First Poet Laureate Emeritus
Role: Visiting Writer

Jeff Kelley

Job title: Art Critic, Author, and Curator
Role: Visiting Curator
Job title: Professor of Philosophy at UNC Charlotte
Job title: Artist, Educator, and Co-Artistic Director and Curator of Visual Art at the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art
Role: Visiting Artist

Maurya Kerr

Job title: 2021/22 ARC Fellow – Poetry & the Senses
Role: ARC Fellows, Poetry and the Senses Fellows

Grant Kester

Job title: Professor of Art History at UC San Diego
Role: Visiting Scholar
Job title: 2020 ARC Fellow – Poetry & the Senses
Role: ARC Fellows, Poetry and the Senses Fellows