
Creative Time: Ryoko Imoto

October 12, 2013
Keyword: Inequities | “Can inequities be a path to equity in the society?” is a question on my mind when I think of the movement among some of the most affluent people in the world, allocating large portions of their personal funds toward philanthropic works and businesses.
I think that art works and aesthetics can play a greater role for the betterment of the society especially under the turmoil of economic downturn, for I believe that people need to relate to beauty in order to have a psychological fulfillment by the human nature. Through an online

Creative Time: Ana Labastida

October 12, 2013
Keyword: Tactics | I propose that we consider the work of Donna Haraway on interspecies relations as a viable theoretical framework from which to elaborate strategies. Haraway defines “the world as a knot in motion” in which the interactions between species at all levels shape the world. I find that this perspective can provide a great tactical advantage: we can see ourselves within a pattern of relation. This calibrates our perception of our role in this planet. I find that this perspective addresses the vital need to participate in tactics that are coherent and complex...

Creative Time: Ranu Mukherjee

October 12, 2013

Keyword: Expectations | I have been thinking a lot about expectations lately- as a mutable, sliding scale barometer for how things are going. They seem to be an ever present but difficult to acknowledge measuring device used by all on a daily basis. Are they being met, exceeded, upended or not met at all. What can we expect as a public?

When do expectations become demands and when do they evolve? How do unmet expectations produce new ways of doing things and change culture? What can we expect from the public sector if anything, and in our efforts to...

Creative Time: Cheryl Meeker

October 12, 2013
Keyword: Equity | Choosing a term buried within one of the summit themes, inequity, I choose to isolate part of that word for the keyword “equity.” In light of the current massive world debt bomb, preceded and/or partially precipitated by the financial meltdown, derivatives explosion and off budget U.S. war spending, the term equity creates an association first with financial equities (stock equities,) home equity (depleted,) and secondarily to the concept of equity in human terms: fairness. Associations with the term extends to the British actors’ labor union, Equity, and...

Creative Time: Hentyle Yapp

October 12, 2013
Keyword: Occupation | Occupation connotes not only space, but also work. The Occupy “Movement” reminds us of the former, where groups enter a public space and live, exist, eat, celebrate, agitate, and protest. Occupation also reminds us of work, vocation, and an identity – what’s your occupation? what do you do? I’m curious how these two connotations intertwine. Of course, class disparities between different vocations or the have/have nots of an occupation lead to the current iterations of the Occupation of space. However, how does the movement itself become an occupation...

Creative Time: Dee Hibbert-Jones

October 12, 2013

On Inequities, Occupations, Making, or Tactic | As the anniversary of the start of the Occupy movement rolls around and becomes historicized in exhibitions (at least at YBCA, San Francisco) a feeling of overwhelm overcomes me, which is almost, but not quite hopelessness. There is something overwhelming about the idea of shifting past the initial enthusiasm of utopian possibilities, the desires to increase freedoms. And I start to wonder as a good idea gets older how do we push on through inertia, the uphill struggle to sustain, establish and forge possibilities? How...

Jess Dorrance

2019 ARC Fellow

Jess Dorrance is a writer, curator, activist, and and doctoral student in Performance Studies at University of California, Berkeley. She writes about the intersections between art, performance, and queer, feminist, and anti-racist politics. She holds an MA in Art History (2014) from McGill University (thesis on queer visibility, representation, and trauma), and has been working with the Institute for Queer Theory since 2008.

While living in Berlin (2008-2012) Jess has been actively envolved in all areas of running the Institute for Queer Theory: Among others, she co...

Curation as Research

September 19, 2017
Curation as Research: Contemporary Art in Central America Miguel A. López and Emiliano Valdés
in conversation with Julia Bryan-Wilson (History of Art) Tuesday, September 19 at 5:30 pm
Geballe Room, Townsend Center for the Humanities (map)

Watch the recording...

Art, Technology, & Culture Colloquium 2016-2017

Art, Technology, & Culture Colloquium 2016-2017: Global Circulations 2016 talks took place at 6:30pm in the Banatao Auditorium, Sutardja Dai Hall, UC Berkeley, CA 2017 talks took place at 6:30pm in the Osher Auditorium, BAMPFA, Berkeley CA

Berkeley’s Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium is an internationally recognized forum for presenting new ideas that challenge conventional wisdom about art, technology, and culture...

Revisions in Time

Curating Performance Across the Arts Monday, November 16, 2015
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life
2121 Allston Way, Berkeley