Tag Archives : making time

Making Time at Human Resources: Spatula&Barcode

We (Laurie Beth Clarkand Michael Peterson) are artists and scholars who make work independently and collaboratively.

In our joint projects, under the group name Spatula&Barcode, we are interested in conviviality, criticality, and geography. There is always food. We’ve staged bicycle tours, Skype conversations, dinners, and coffee dates in Canada, Croatia, Morocco, the Netherlands, and the United States.

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Making Time at Human Resources: John Spiak

Most awareness of the arts focuses on the final product and the outcome of artistic process: objects, productions, performances, publications and presentations. Mostly, the outcomes are observation based, with audience/community invited to view the end result of creative process, not the development or actual creation of such work.

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Making Time at Human Resources: Simon Leung

I have been thinking about the time/frame bracket of “the performative” with the general proposition that it defies the usual spatial and temporal brackets that is put around “a piece”–be it a dance performance or am event, or a “work of art.” Last fall, I posted a note on Facebook called “Protest is a Performative” which was spurred by the controversy that surrounded Rainer’s letter of protest against the MOCA Gala as directed by Marina Abramovic.

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Making Time at Human Resources: Shannon Jackson

So my first question is a potential critique of my own habits of framing these discussions. I have been trying to create fora that allow people to reflect upon the continued “disciplinarity” of so-called “interdisciplinary” art, to come clean about the fact that people who proceed from different artistic sectors have different skills, institutional habits, barometers for engaging quality, and often a different sense of what the stakes are, where innovation lies, what looks mediocre or passé.

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