ARC Fellows

Zachary Blinkinsop

2018 ARC Fellow
A Third Culture Kid and Air Force brat who grew up in Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom, Zachary Blinkinsop’s academic engagement with literature is tied closely to his interest in national identity. white space He earned his B.A. in Scandinavian Studies and Latin from Gustavus Adolphus College in 2014 where he wrote an honors thesis on...

reelaviolette botts-ward

Spring 2021 Graduate Student Poetry and the Senses Fellow

reelaviolette botts-ward is a homegirl, an educator, and a nontraditional multimedia artist from Philadelphia, PA. She is currently a doctoral candidate in African Diaspora Studies researching Black women’s healing spaces in Oakland. ree centers “everyday round the way Blackgirl methodology” to theorize creative innovation in the wake of displacement. Founder of blackwomxnhealing, ree curates healing circles and exhibitions for and by Black womxn, using Black feminist poetics and artistry as tools for translation between academic and community audiences. Her first book,...

Shane Boyle

2009 ARC Fellow

Shane Boyle began working in the Theatre and Performance Department at Queen Mary, University of London after completing his PhD in Performance Studies at UC Berkeley and his BA in English at Duke University. Before moving to London, Boyle held postdoctoral appointments at Stanford University and Harvard University.

Boyle's research focuses on the political economy of performance from a Marxist and communist perspective. He is particularly interested in postdramatic theatre, live art and activist performance, mostly in Germany, the United Kingdom and...

Naomi Bragin

Dancer, Artist, Writer, Scholar

Naomi Bragin is a dancer, writer, wanderer, wonderer—collaborating with other artists to heal and recreate worlds.

Black Power of Hip Hop Dance: On Kinethic Politics, her current writing project, tells stories of streetdances created by youth living in California during the 1970s Funk & Disco eras, whose everyday artistry helped set foundations for global contemporary hip hop dance. The book is forthcoming with the international Dance Studies Association's...

Corey Byrnes

2010 ARC Fellow

Corey Byrnes received a BA from Brown University in 2003, an MPhil from the University of Cambridge in 2005, and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 2013. His research and teaching areas include the environmental humanities; 19th-21st century Sinophone literature, film, and visual culture; animal studies; and landscape and spatial studies. He is a core-faculty member and Director of Graduate Studies in Northwestern’s Comparative Literary Studies Program as well as co-founder and co-director of Northwestern’s...

Carol Ann Carl

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Carol Ann Carl is a daughter of the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. In 2020, she earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from the University of Hawaiʻi-Mānoa. Storytelling and writing are personal forms of pedagogical healing. Professionally and creatively, Carol Ann leans into the intersectionality of her identity – indigeneity, science, health, and civic advocacy – to develop narratives of empowerment for the Micronesian community in Hawaiʻi and the wider Pacific Islander community abroad. Currently, Carol Ann is a Research...

Delia Casadei

2019 ARC Fellow

Delia Casadei is a scholar, critic, and translator. She was Assistant Professor of Musicology at UC Berkeley from 2017-2023, and is now based in Pisa, Italy, where she works as a freelance music critic, lecturer, and translator. She obtained her PhD in Musicology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2015 with a thesis entitled The Crowded Voice: Speech, Music and Community in Milan, 1955-1974. Between 2015-17 she was a junior research fellow at the University of Cambridge. In 2021/2022 she was a...

Phillip Cash Cash

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Phillip Cash Cash is a niimíipuu (Nez Perce)/weyíiletpuu (Cayuse) human, an award winning Indigenous scholar, artist, writer, and traditional healer. He is a younger speaker of nimiipuutímt, the Nez Perce language, a severely endangered language. Cash Cash holds doctoral degrees in linguistics and anthropology. His creativity and inquiry are life-centered endeavors committed to cultural revitalization and community-based language advocacy. He sees our Native languages as vital elements of epistemology, consciousness, and spirit that connects us...

Greg Castillo

2014 ARC Fellow

Greg Castillo, who is also a Research Associate at the United States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney in Australia, specializes in the architectural history of Interwar and Postwar America and Europe. His course offerings include seminars on spaces of consumption, countercultural design in the ‘60s, transatlantic transfers of architectural practices, a global survey of modernist architecture, architectural history research methods, and a writing and publication workshop. Greg received his Doctoral degree in architectural history (2000) and a Master’s degree in...

Vethea Cerna Cole

2021 ARC Fellow – Poetry & the Senses

Vethea Cerna Cole is a queer, Filipinx writer, artist, and lover in their final year of pursuing a BA in Gender & Women’s Studies at UC Berkeley. Her research analyzes the intergenerational trauma passed between mothers who have emigrated from the Philippines and queer, trans, first generation children adapting to life in the settler colony that is the U.S. Centering decolonization in their art and scholarship, Vethea hopes to contribute to new frameworks of healing and restorative justice for QTBIPOC. To them, sharing community, language, and vulnerability is at the...