Phillip Cash Cash

Job title: 
ARC Fellow, Scholar, Artist, Writer, and Traditional Healer

Phillip Cash Cash was an ARC Fellow in Spring 2023 with the Poetry & the Senses initiative, in collaboration with luk’upsíimey – he was chosen in the Community Fellow category.

Phillip Cash Cash is a niimíipuu (Nez Perce)/weyíiletpuu (Cayuse) human, an award winning Indigenous scholar, artist, writer, and traditional healer. He is a younger speaker of nimiipuutímt, the Nez Perce language, a severely endangered language. Cash Cash holds doctoral degrees in linguistics and anthropology. His creativity and inquiry are life-centered endeavors committed to cultural revitalization and community-based language advocacy. He sees our Native languages as vital elements of epistemology, consciousness, and spirit that connects us to Indigenous lives, lands, ancestors, and futurity. Philosophy: “the earth and myself of one mind,” Young Chief Joseph, Nez Perce (1840-1904). Dr. Cash Cash is also a co-founder of Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts (a nationally recognized Indigenous arts press and institute) and luk’upsíimey, The North Star Collective (an Indigenous Plateau literary advocacy group).