Imanuel Schipper

Job title: 
Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Physical Performance at the Estonian Academy of Nusic and Theatre

Imanuel Schipper holds MAs in theatre and dance studies and in acting. He has been working as a dramaturg for many years with the well-known German Performance group, Rimini Protokoll with whom, he has developed a contemporary way of documentary theatre as intervention, as political think tanks.

He has been a deputy professor, senior lecturer, senior researcher at different universities and art academies in Germany, Switzerland and other countries in the field of performance studies, cultural theory and art theory. He works and publishes widley on the interface between scientific research, teaching, and artistic practice.

In his research he analyses such terms as “theatricality“, “performativity“, “dramaturgy“, “staging“,  “reception“ and “mediality“ – coming from the theatre studies – beyond the boundaries of the theatre, for example in design, urban design, scenography and curation. He has a PhD project on „Relational Dramaturgies” at Leuphana University Lüneburg and is a  researcher at CityScienceLab at HafenCityUniversity Hamburg.