Christian Nagler was an ARC Fellow in Spring 2017 – he was chosen in the Graduate category.
Christian Nagler is a performer, writer and translator. His work looks at (and performs) the imbrications of embodiment and global economics both in his everyday life and in projects like Market Fitness, and Yoga for Adjuncts. Nagler has performed with Anna Halprin, Isak Immanuel, Yuko Kaseki and Open Experiments Ensemble. His work has recently been presented at the Berkeley Art Museum, Headlands Center for the Arts, Southern Exposure, and the Kadist Foundation. His writing can recently be found in Fillip, Six Lines of Flight (UC Press), Somatic Engagement (Chainlinks Books) Encyclopedia, Aufgabe, and Performance Research. He has translated works by the political economist Alberto Masferrer, as well as writings by the contemporary novelist Horacio Castellanos Moya and psychoanalytic theorist Heriberto Yépez. Nagler researches critical ethnography, political theory, and media and cultural studies at UC Berkeley.