Cecilia Palmeiro

Job title: 
Writer, Activist, and Adjunct Professor of Contemporary Latin American Studies and Gender Theory at NYU in Buenos Aires

Cecilia Palmeiro is one of the founders of the transformative Latin American feminist movement Ni Una Menos, or “Not One Woman Less,” which organizes to end femicide and gender-based violence. The Ni Una Menos collective has been supported by Global Fund for Women since 2017. She is also a writer, literary critic, performer, feminist activist, and queer feminist theorist.  

Palmeiro received her MA and PhD from Princeton University -Department of Spanish and Portuguese (2009) and a repatriation postdoctoral degree from CONICET- University of Buenos Aires (2012). She was a visiting professor at Birkbeck (University of London) and a member of the Institute for Advanced Study (2021-2022). She is a researcher at CONICET and a professor of contemporary Latin American Cultural Studies at New York University in Buenos Aires and at National University of Tres de Febrero (UNTREF), where she coordinates the Research Center on Gender Studies (CIEPOG). She has published the research books Desbunde y felicidad. De la cartonera a Perlongher (2011, 2021 EDUERJ, Brazil), Néstor Perlongher. Correspondencia (2016) and the novel Cat Power. La toma de la Tierra (2017).  Together with Fernanda Laguna, she is the curator of the living-archive, exhibition, and book Mareadas en la marea: diario íntimo y alocado de una revolución feminista (High on the Tide: Diary of a Feminist Revolution), published in 2023.