Mei-Mei Berssenbrugge, Natalie Diaz, and Aja Monet
in conversation with ARC Poetry & the Senses Fellows reelaviolette botts-ward and Ken Ueno
Monday, April 26, 2021
4:30-6:00pm PDT
Watch the recording here!(link is external)
This event was funded by Engaging the Senses Foundation and co-sponsored by the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs, the Center for Race & Gender, and the Department of Ethnic Studies.
Special Note: The Arts Research Center and the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs were delighted to welcome Natalie Diaz on campus this spring. ARC hosted hosting Diaz in a Poetry Reading with Mei-mei Berssenbrugge and Aja Monet (as part of our multi-year Poetry and the Senses Program) on April 26, and the ICCTP hosted Diaz(link is external) in conversation with indigenous intellectual, activist and artist Ailton Krenak on May 21.