Art as Critique Conference

Sign for the Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley mounted on a wooden wall.
March 1, 2019

Art as Critique Conference

Friday, March 1, 2019
Geballe Room, Townsend Center for the Humanities

Watch the recordings of Panel 1Panel 2Panel 3, and Panel 4!

ARC’s March’s conference Arts as Critique seeks to prompt the question of the relationship between art and criticism from the standpoint of social and political exigencies of our times, and to do so by thinking scholars and curators thinking from and about the global margins and zones of acute transition often called the “Global South”–from Africa, Latin America, South East Asia and the Middle East, to U.S. Latino, African American, Native American and Asian American communities.

Arts as Critique is interested in the extent to which contemporary art, art criticism and curating wield a transformative capacity to actively condition or mobilize collective imaginaries and struggles. How do feminist, queer, postcolonial/decolonial, postnational perspectives and interventions call attention to, and reclaim, the political implications of art as critique beyond Eurocentric ramifications? What kinds of (un)belongings and displacement, figured through tropes of gendered, sexualized, ethnicized and racialized vulnerability, could allow us to think (with) the limits and the resistant potential of art?

Featuring Victor AlbarracinNeda AtanasoskiNatalia BrizuelaTarek ElhaikAdriana JohnsonKoyo KouohAnneka LenssenLeigh RaifordKriss RavettoPedro J. Rolón, Poulomi Saha, and Kalindi Vora.

Schedule of Events

Friday, March 1, 2019

8:30am: Door Open to the Public

9:10am: Welcome by ARC Director Natalia Brizuela

9:30am – 10:45amPanel 1

Future Remake: On the Uses and Abuses of Representation for Life

Tarek Elhaik, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, UC Davis
Kriss Ravetto, 
Professor, Cinema and Digital Media & Science and Technology Studies, UC Davis

Response by Poulomi Saha, Assistant Professor, English, UC Berkeley

10:45am-11:00am: Break

11:00am-12:15pmPanel 2

Surrogate Humanity: Race, Robots, and the Politics of Technological Futures

Kalindi Vora, Associate Professor, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s StudiesUC Davis
Neda Atanasoski, 
Professor, Feminist Studies Department, UC Santa Cruz

Response by Anneka Lenssen, Assistant Professor, Art History, UC Berkeley

12:15pm-1:45 pm: Lunch Break

1:45pm – 3:00pm: Panel 3

An Expanse of Water: Ways of Knowing

Adriana Johnson, Associate Professor, Comparative Literature,UC Irvine

Response by Pedro J. Rolón, Ph.D. Candidate, Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley

3:00pm – 3:15pm: Break 

3:15pm -5:15pm: Panel 4

Art, Knowledge, Action, Society: Curatorial Practices from the Global South

Presentations by Koyo Kouoh from RAW Material, Senegal, and Victor Albarracin, from Lugar a dudas, Colombia

Response by Natalia Brizuela, Director, Arts Research Center; Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese, and Film & Media Studies, UC Berkeley, and Leigh Raiford, Associate Professor, African American Studies, UC Berkeley 

5:15pm-5:45pm: Break 

5:45pm-6:30pm: Poetry Readings, and Performance

Poetry readings by 최 Lindsay and Jared Robinson
Multimedia Performance with alex cruse

Co-sponsored by the Arts Research Center, UCHRI, the Department of History of Art Curatorial Initiative, Townsend Center for the Humanities, BCNM, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, D-Lab, Digital Humanities, and the Center for Latin American Studies.

ARC’s 2018-19 program is a collaboration between ARC Interim Director Natalia Brizuela (Film & Media and Spanish & Portuguese), Tarek Elhaik (Anthropology, UC Davis), Anneka Lenssen (History of Art), Leigh Raiford (African American Studies), and Poulomi Saha (English), supported by a generous grant from the The University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI).

This project was supported in part by the University of California Office of the President MRPI funding MR-15-328710.

Art as Critique 2019 Conference - Welcome and Panel 1

Art as Critique conference: Welcome and Part 1

Art as Critique 2019 Conference - Panel 2

Art as Critique conference: Part 2

Art as Critique 2019 Conference - Panel 3

Art as Critique conference: Part 3