Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium

Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium, featuring a raised fist in the Berkeley campinelle

Art, Activism, and Technology: The 50th Anniversary of the Free Speech Movement

Berkeley’s Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium is an internationally recognized forum for presenting new ideas that challenge conventional wisdom about art, technology, and culture. This series, free of charge and open to the public, presents artists, writers, curators, and scholars who consider contemporary issues at the intersection of aesthetic expression, emerging technologies, and cultural history, from a critical perspective. For the first time ever, the 2014/15 lecture series will be co-presented by the Arts Research Center, the Berkeley Center for New Media, and The David Brower Center, and will focus on the legacy of the Free Speech Movement here on the Berkeley Campus. All lectures will take place at The David Brower Center from 7:30-9:00pm.

Schedule of Events

9/08: The Death Throes of the Desert God

John Perry Barlow, Co-Founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation & Lyricist for the Grateful Dead, San Francisco

9/29: What is Missing?

Maya Lin, Artist & Architect, New York

10/6: Embodying Liberation: A Dialogue on Community and Healing

Brett Cook, Artist and Organizer, Oakland

11/3: Creative Interventions and Social Activation

Cheryl Haines, Exec. Director,  FOR-SITE Foundation and Curator of “@Large: Ai Weiwei on Alcatraz”

11/17: Social and Community Engaged Work: The Genuine and the Artificial

Rick Lowe, Artist and Community Organizer, Houston
(co-presented with the Regents Lecturer Program)

1/26: What is a work of art in the age of $120,000 art degrees?

Caroline Woolard, Artist and Organizer, Brooklyn
(co-presented with the Art Practice Department)

2/23: The Way Things Go

Rirkrit Tiravanija, Artist, New York, Berlin, and Chiang Mai
(co-presented with the Art Practice Department and in partnership with Yerba Buena Center for the Arts)

3/9: DeafSpace and Making Musical Instruments

Tarek Atoui, Artist, Paris

4/6: Reality Environments:  Persons as Things, Things as Persons

Jose Carlos Martinat and Kiko Mayorga, Artists, Peru

4/13: A Hack in the Odious Machine: Digital Organizing Tools for the Precariat

Jesse Drew, Cinema and Technoculture, UC Davis
Glenda Drew, Design, UC Davis
(co-presented with the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative)

Additional Sponsors:

* Townshend/Lamarre Family Foundation

* ARC’s Hoffman/Yee Speaker Fund

* Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

* Center for Information Technology in the Interest of Society (CITRIS)

* The David Brower Center

* Global Urban Humanities Initiative

* Regents Lecturer Program

Selected events co-presented with:

* Art Practice Department

* CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative