Visiting Artist/Writer/Curator/Lecturer

Lisa Wymore

Professor of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies at UC Berkeley

Lisa Wymore completed her graduate study at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, where she was awarded a Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship, an Outstanding Achievement Award, and a Moe Family Award for her creativity. After graduating with an M.F.A. in Dance in 1998, she moved to Chicago and continued her career as a dancer, choreographer, and teacher. She was a faculty member within the Northwestern University Dance Program from 2000 to 2004.

Wymore is a Professor in the Department of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. She...

Caroline Woolard

W.W. Corcoran Visiting Professor in Community Engagement & Founding Co-Organizer of

Caroline Woolard is the W.W. Corcoran Visiting Professor in Community Engagement and a founding co-organizer of She is the co-author of two major reports: Solidarity Not Charity (Grantmakers in the Arts, 2021) and Spirits and Logistics (Center for Cultural Innovation, 2022) and three books:...

Knut Ove Arntzen

Theatre Critic and Professor of Theatre Studies at the University of Bergen

Knut Ove Arntzen, was since 1983 assistant and later associate professor at the former Institute for theatre studies, now the Section for theatre studies at the Institute for Cultural Studies and Art History at the University of Bergen, Norway. He has been a free lance theatre critic at the paper Arbeiderbladet in Oslo, 1976-1986, and has benn in the function of a scientific consultant to the Bergen International Theatre. He was participating in planning and running the Drama Course at the Writing Academy of Hordaland County in Bergen and taught as at the director´s course...

Margaret Crawford

Director of Urban Design, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design

Margaret Crawford holds degrees in architectural history, housing, and urban planning. Before coming to Berkeley, Crawford chaired the History, Theory, and Humanities Program at SCI-Arc in Los Angeles and, from 2000–2009, was professor of urban design and planning theory at the Harvard GSD, teaching history and design workshops and studios. Her scholarly work includes Building the Workingman’s Paradise: The History of American Company Towns, The Car and the City: The Automobile, the Built Environment and Daily Urban Life, and two editions of...

Leslie St Dre

Artist, Organizer, Educator

Leslie St Dre (formerly Dreyer) is an artist, organizer and educator dedicated to building joyfully militant and intersectional movements for land and housing justice. They’ve spent the past decade honing a tactical arts organizing practice utilizing integrated narrative and media strategies. This work merges popular education, on-the-ground organizing, direct action, performance and visual art towards specific goals to change our collective situation. The actions become ephemeral multigenerational community spaces where unhoused and housed...

Susan Schweik

Associate Dean of Arts and Humanities and Emeritus Professor in the English Department at UC Berkeley

Susan Schweik's last book was The Ugly Laws: Disability in Public. She is completing a book tentatively titled Unfixed: How the Women of Glenwood Asylum Overturned Ideas about IQ, & Why You Don't Know About Their Work. A recipient of Berkeley's Chancellor's Award for Advancing Institutional Excellence and U.C.'s Presidential Chair in Undergraduate Education , she was involved with the development of disability studies at Berkeley for over 25 years. She was co-coordinator of the Ed Roberts Fellowships in Disability Studies post-doctoral...

dg nanouk okpik

IPL Fellow and Poet

dg nanouk okpik is an Iñupiaq-Inuit poet from south-central Alaska. Her debut collection of poetry, Corpse Whale (2012), received the American Book Award (2013). Since then, her work has been published in several anthologies, including New Poets of Native Nations (2018) and the forthcoming Infinite Constellations: An Anthology of Identity, Culture, and Speculative Conjunctions (2023). With her new collection Blood Snow, published in 2022 by Wave Books, okpik established herself as...


Hawaiʻi's First Poet Laureate Emeritus

Kealoha is Hawaiʻi's first Poet Laureate Emeritus. As an internationally acclaimed poet and storyteller, he has performed throughout the world -- from the White House to the ʻIolani Palace, from Brazil to Switzerland. He is the first poet in Hawaiʻi's history to perform at a governor's inauguration, was selected as a master artist for a National Endowment for the Arts program, was named an American Academy of Poets Laureate Fellow, and delivered the keynote address for MIT’s special commencement ceremony in 2022....

Cara Romero

Contemporary Fine Art Photographer

Cara Romero (b. 1977, Inglewood, CA) is a contemporary fine art photographer. An enrolled citizen of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe, Romero was raised between contrasting settings: the rural Chemehuevi reservation in Mojave Desert, CA and the urban sprawl of Houston, TX. Romero’s identity informs her photography, a blend of fine art and editorial photography, shaped by years of study and a visceral approach to representing Indigenous and non-Indigenous cultural memory, collective history, and lived experiences from a Native American female perspective.

As an...

Robert Sullivan

Poet, Academic, and Editor

Robert Sullivan (Ngāpuhi and Kāi Tahu) has won awards for his poetry, editing, and writing for children, including the 2022 Lauris Edmond Memorial Award for a distinguished contribution to New Zealand poetry, Distinguished Visiting Writer at the University of Hawai’i, the Montana New Zealand Book Award for co-editing Whetu Moana: Contemporary Polynesian Poems in English, the Māori Literature Award for co-editing Puna Wai Kōrero: An Anthology of Māori Poetry in English, and the New Zealand Post Children’s Book of the Year for Weaving Earth and Sky, a retelling of Māori...