Visiting Artist/Writer/Curator/Lecturer

Yao Chen

Composer, Professor of Composition at the Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing

In works of various dimensions, Yao Chen seeks paths toward transcendence. His music, always ritual in nature, eschews contemporary vogues and instead aims at a timelessness and an otherness that exists beyond the standard categories – music for the moment, but also music for then and music for what lies ahead. Whether his work is brittle or forceful, or often both in coexistence, melancholy and a sense of wonder are recurring characteristics, as is an internationalist orientation grounded in a quest for maximal musical meaning. His perceptions on musical time, timbre,...

Chen Chen

Writer, Teacher, Editor

Chen Chen is a writer, teacher, and editor. His second book, Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency, is available from BOA Editions and Bloodaxe Books (UK). A finalist for a Brooklyn Public Library Book Prize and a best book of 2022 according to the Boston Globe, Electric Lit, NPR, and others, it has also been named a ...

Cathy Linh Che

Writer, Multidiscliplinary Artist

Cathy Linh Che is a Vietnamese American writer and multidisciplinary artist. She is the author of Split(Alice James Books), winner of the Kundiman Poetry Prize, the Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America, and the Best Poetry Book Award from the Association of Asian American Studies, the co-author, with Kyle Lucia Wu, of the children’s book ...

Karen Chapple

Director of the School of Cities at the University of Toronto

Karen Chapple, Ph.D., is the Director of the School of Cities at the University of Toronto, where she also serves as Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning. She is Professor Emerita of City & Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley, where she served as department chair and held the Carmel P. Friesen Chair in Urban Studies. Chapple studies inequalities in the planning, development, and governance of...

Jeff Chang

Writer, Cultural Organizer

Jeff Chang is a writer and cultural organizer who has worked in and written extensively on culture, politics, the arts, and music.

He is finishing a cultural biography of Bruce Lee called Water Mirror Echo: Bruce Lee and the Making of Asian America (Mariner/HarperCollins). He is the host of the Edge of Reason, a podcast of artists and ideas by Atlantic: Rethink and Hauser & Wirth.

His first book,...

Deena Chalabi

Writer, Curator, Strategist

Deena Chalabi is a strategist, curator and writer whose work explores how individual expression and critical thought can impact and expand public imagination. She was most recently Senior Director of Growth and Partnerships at The OpEd Project, a global thought leadership initiative for elevating underrepresented voices working towards a more intelligent and inclusive world.

Deena is also Brand Advisor at Armory Square Ventures and teaches global contemporary art in the Curatorial Practice graduate program at the California College of the Arts.

She was the...

Chris Chafe

Musician, Scientist, Director of the Stanford University Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics

Chris Chafe is a composer, improvisor, and cellist, developing much of his music alongside computer-based research. He is Director of Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). In 2019, he was International Visiting Research Scholar at the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies The University of British Columbia, Visiting Professor at the Politecnico di Torino, and Edgard-Varèse Guest Professor at the Technical University of Berlin. At IRCAM (Paris) and The Banff Centre (Alberta), he has pursued methods for digital synthesis and...

Terry Castle

Walter A. Haas Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University

Terry Castle has taught English literature at Stanford since 1983. She specializes in the history of the novel, especially the works of Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, and Austen. But she has taught a wide variety of other subjects too: the literature of the First World War, British modernism, Virginia Woolf, Radclyffe Hall, and other twentieth-century women writers, psychoanalytic theory, literature and opera, and gay and lesbian writing. She has written seven books: Clarissa's Ciphers: Meaning and Disruption in Richardson's 'Clarissa' (1982); Masquerade and...

Sue-Ellen Case

Professor and Chair of Critical Studies in the Theatre Department in the School of Theater Film and Television at UCLA

Professor Sue-Ellen Case, a past editor of Theatre Journal, has published widely in the fields of German theater, feminism and theater, performance theory and lesbian critical theory. She has published more than 40 articles in journals such as Theatre Journal, Modern Drama, Differences and Theatre Research International, as well as in many anthologies of critical works.

Her books include Feminism and Theatre (1994; revised 2008 and translated into Korean, Turkish and Arabic), The Domain-Matrix: Performing...

Chris Carlsson

Writer, San Francisco Historian, Photographer, Book & Magazine Designer

Chris Carlsson, is a writer, San Francisco historian, “professor,” bicyclist, tour guide, blogger, photographer, book and magazine designer. He’s lived in San Francisco since 1978 and has been self-employed in various capacities since the early 1980s. He has written four books (When Shells Crumble, Hidden San Francisco: A Guide to Lost Landscapes, Unsung Heroes, and Radical Histories; After the Deluge; Nowtopia) edited six books, (Reclaiming San Francisco, The Political Edge, Bad Attitude,...