Visiting Artist/Writer/Curator/Lecturer

Aruna D’Souza in Conversation with Al-An deSouza

September 21, 2018
Aruna D’Souza in Conversation with Al-An deSouza Friday, September 21, 2018
Maude Fife Room, Room 315, Wheeler Hall

Watch the recording here or listen here!

Co-sponsored by the Arts Research Center and the University of California Humanities Research Institute, the...

Taté Walker

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Taté Walker (they/them) is a Lakota citizen of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of South Dakota and an award-winning Two Spirit storyteller. Their first full-length poetry book, “The Trickster Riots,” was published in 2022, by Abalone Mountain Press. Taté, a 2022 Pushcart Prize nominee, has written, photographed, and/or edited for various outlets, including The Nation, Yellow Medicine Review, Pipe Wrench, Apartment Therapy, Everyday Feminism, Native Peoples, Indian Country Today, Subaru Drive, December, and ANMLY. Taté has 20 years of experience in print/digital...

ARC Welcomes Sabine Breitwieser to Berkeley

April 16, 2012
The Arts Research Center is pleased to welcome Sabine Breitwieser, Chief Curator of Media and Performance Art at the Museum of Modern Art, for a week-long residency at UC Berkeley as a 2012 Regents Lecturer. Her visit kicked off on Sunday, April 15 in the galleries at the Berkeley Art Museum, where she and curator Constance Lewallen discussed the current exhibit “State of Mind: New California Art circa 1970.” Their conversation about the “de-materialization” and “re-materialization” of conceptual art was enlivened by cameo appearances by two of the artists...

Poetry Reading featuring Terrance Hayes and Simone White

March 17, 2021
A poetry reading featuring: Terrance Hayes and Simone White in conversation with Chiyuma Elliott Wednesday, March 17, 2021 4:00-5:30pm PDT

Watch the recording here!

Claire Hong

Visiting Writer

Claire Hong is the author of Upend (Noemi Press), which was longlisted for the PEN/Voelcker Award. She received a Stegner Fellowship in Poetry from Stanford University (2019-2021) and has creative writing degrees from the University of Arizona (MFA) and Pratt Institute (BFA). She was born in San Francisco, CA and currently lives in Tucson, AZ where she works to distribute traditional, arid adapted seeds.

Latinx Poetry Now: A Reading and Conversation with J. Michael Martinez + aracelis girmay

September 28, 2023
Latinx Poetry Now: A Reading and Conversation with J. Michael Martinez + aracelis girmay Thursday Sept 28, 2023 11am - 12:30pm Maude Fife Room, 315 Wheeler Hall

Join the Arts Research Center for our first Poetry & the Senses reading of fall 2023, featuring the incredible poets and multimedia artists J. Michael Martin and aracelis girmay. Following their readings, they will be in conversation with Prof John Alba Cutler (English).

J. Michael Martinez is a multimedia artist and the author of three collections of poetry, including Heredities, which received the Walt...

Writing Workshop Maōri Poet Robert Sullivan

September 20, 2023
Writing Workshop Maōri Poet Robert Sullivan September 20, 2023 1 p.m. Online

Robert Sullivan (Ngāpuhi and Kāi Tahu) has won awards for his poetry, editing, and writing for children, including the 2022 Lauris Edmond Memorial Award for a distinguished contribution to New Zealand poetry, Distinguished Visiting Writer at the University of Hawai’i, the Montana New Zealand Book Award for co-editing Whetu Moana: Contemporary Polynesian Poems in English, the Māori Literature Award for co-editing Puna Wai Kōrero: An Anthology of Māori Poetry...

Esther Belin: Lunch Poems Reading + Craft Talk

March 7, 2024
Esther Belin Lunch Poems Reading + Craft Talk Thursday, March 7, 2024 12-1pm: Lunch Poems Reading
Morrison Library 4-5:15pm: Craft Talk: Diné Land/Sound(scape) as Poetics
Arts Research Center, Hearst Field Annex D23

Presented by the Arts Research Center and the English Dept, with support from Dr. and Mrs. Tom Colby, the Berkeley Library, the Morrison Library Fund, the Dean’s Office of the College of Letters and Science, and Poets & Writers, Inc.

The Arts Research Center in...

Echoes from the Borderlands

November 30, 2023
Echoes from the Borderlands with Valeria Luiselli, Leo Heiblum,and Ricardo Giraldo
Artists November 30, 2023 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Maude Fife Room (315 Wheeler Hall)

This event was hosted by BCNM. You can find the original event page on their website here.

Claudia Rankine & Pamela Sneed

November 8, 2023
Claudia Rankine & Pamela Sneed November 8, 2023 6 p.m. Maude Fife Room (315 Wheeler Hall)

In Citizen. An American Lyric, poet, playwright and MacArthur fellow Claudia Rankine writes: “This would be your fatal flaw–your memory, vessel of feelings …” The accumulation of everyday violence and racism forms heavy memories that make it difficult to imagine a present and future different from the past.

In Funeral Diva, poet and visual artist Pamela Sneed laments surviving the AIDS crisis in NYC as a Black lesbian. While grieving the friends she lost, Sneed also...