Visiting Artist/Writer/Curator/Lecturer

Dee Hibbert-Jones

Filmmaker, Animator, Artist, and Professor of Art & Digital Arts New Media at UC Santa Cruz

Dee Hibbert-Jones is an Academy Award nominated, Emmy® award winning filmmaker and internationally recognized artist. Her work incorporates animation, installation, public art and documentary film examining power and politics: how people manage and who gets heard. She explores diverse subjects from land use and wasted resources, to criminal justice and indigent rights: examining what is considered valuable and who is dismissed as valueless.

Hibbert-Jones is a Guggenheim Fellow. She was most recently awarded a United States Congressional Black Caucus Veterans...

Lee Herrick

California Poet Laureate

Lee Herrick is the California Poet Laureate. He is the author of three books of poems: Scar and Flower, finalist for the 2020 Northern California Book Award; Gardening Secrets of the Dead; and This Many Miles from Desire.

He is co-editor of The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets on Faith and Spirit (Orison Books 2020). His poems appear widely, in The Poetry Foundation, Academy of American Poets, The Place That Inhabits Us: Poems from the San Francisco Bay Watershed, Indivisible: Poems of Social Justice with...

Plinio Hernandez

Founder of Pueblo Nuevo Gallery

Plinio Hernandez is a graduate from UC Berkeley were he received his MFA in Art Practice, he also has a BFA in photography from Otis College of Art & Design in Los Angeles. While at UC Berkeley Plinio focused on his studio practice but also became interested in how contemporary social media tools affect politics, education and identity. At UCB he taught classes both in the New Media Department as well as Art Practice Department.

In addition, Plinio co-founded and ran Pueblo Nuevo...

Michelle Hensley

Founder of Ten Thousand Things Theatre Company

Michelle Hensley founded Ten Thousand Things Theater, where she directed and produced more than 60 tours of award-winning drama to audiences in prisons, shelters and housing projects, as well as to the general public. Many of her productions made the local critics’ Top Ten lists. A McKnight Theater Fellow, in 2005 she received the Francesca Primus Prize from the American Theater Critics Association for outstanding contribution to the American Theater.

TTT’s touring model has been adopted by at least a dozen theaters around the country including The Public Theater in...

David Henry

Former Director of Performing and Media Arts at the Boston Institute of Contemporary Art

David Henry has an M.F.A. from Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY and has been making images for over 50 years. Henry has a 40 year career working in art museums. 30 of those years were as an educator, programmer and curator at the Walker Art Center, the RISD Museum and the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston. Between 2009 and 2018 he served as the Bill T. Jones Director of Performing and Media Arts at the ICA.

Pablo Helguera

Installation, Sculpture, Photography, Drawing, Socially Engaged Art and Performance Artist, and Professor of Performing Arts at The New School

Pablo Helguera (Mexico City, 1971) is a New York based artist working with installation, sculpture, photography, drawing, socially engaged art and performance. Helguera’s work incorporates pedagogy, sociology and theater and literary strategies. His project, “The School of Panamerican Unrest”, a nomadic think-tank that physically crossed the continent by car from Anchorage, Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, making 40 stops in between and covering almost 20,000 miles, it is considered one of the most extensive public art projects on record as well as a pioneering work of...

Lyn Hejinian

Spring 2011 ARC Fellow, Essayist, Translator, and Publisher

Poet, essayist, translator, and publisher Lyn Hejinian was a founding figure of the Language poetry movement of the 1970s and an influential force in the world of experimental and avant-garde poetics. Her poetry is characterized by an unusual lyricism and descriptive engagement with the everyday. She authored many poetry collections, including Tribunal (Omnidawn Publishing, 2019), The Book of a Thousand Eyes (...

Eric Hayot

Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature at Penn State

The first decade of Eric Hayot's career mainly focused on the ways in which China (and a variety of correlates each working to undermine the geographic, cultural, or political singularity of the word “China”) have affected the intellectual, literary, and cultural history of the West (similarly undermined). His first book, Chinese Dreams (Michigan, 2004), centers on the politics of translation and theatrical representation, attending to examples in English, German, and French. Hayot's second book, The Hypothetical Mandarin: Sympathy, Modernity, and Chinese Pain (Oxford,...

Terrance Hayes

MacArthur Fellow, Poet, and Educator

Terrance Hayes is a 2014 MacArthur Fellow. He was born in Columbia, South Carolina in 1971, and educated at Coker College where he studied painting and English and was an Academic All-American on the men’s basketball team. After receiving his MFA from the University of Pittsburgh in 1997, he taught in southern Japan, Columbus, Ohio, and New Orleans, Louisiana. Hayes taught at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh before becoming a dsitinguished Silver...

Connie Hatch

Photography, Audio, Installation and Narrative Performance Artist, and Professor of Art at CalArts

Connie Hatch is an artist whose work includes photography, audio, installation and narrative performance. She has exhibited at New Langton Arts, Capp Street, Camerawork and the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco. Her work has been featured at The New Museum in New York, the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. She has mounted solo exhibits at Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Mills College in Oakland and the Rhode Island School of Design. A recipient of The Engelhard Award, she has...