Visiting Artist/Writer/Curator/Lecturer

Julie Mehretu

Contemporary Visual Artist

Julie Mehretu, (b. 1970, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) lives and works in New York City. She received a B.A. from Kalamazoo College, Michigan, studied at the University Cheik Anta Diop, Dakar Senegal, and received a Master’s of Fine Art with honors from The Rhode Island School of Design in 1997.

In exploring palimpsests of history, from geological time to a modern day phenomenology of the social, Julie Mehretu's works engage us in a dynamic visual articulation of contemporary experience, a depiction of social behavior and the psychogeography of space....

Mac Wellman

Playwright, Author, Poet

Mac Wellman’s recent work includes: The Offending Gesture, directed by Meghan Finn at the Connelly Theater in 2016; Horrocks (and Toutatis Too) Woo World Wu at Emerson College in Boston in 2013 (with Erin Mallon & Tim Sirgusa); Muazzez at the Chocolate Factory (PS122’s COIL Festival) with Steve Mellor, in 2014; 3 2’s; or AFAR at Dixon Place in October 2011, The Difficulty of Crossing a Field (with composer David Lang) at Montclair in the fall of 2006 (and elsewhere more recently); and 1965 UU for performer Paul Lazar, and directed by Stephen Mellor at the...

Erin McElroy

Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Washington

Erin McElroy is an Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Washington. McElroy’s work focuses upon intersections of gentrification, technology, digitality, empire, and racial capitalism in the US and in Romania, alongside housing justice organizing, countermapping, and transnational solidarities. This informs the focus of their manuscript, Silicon Valley Imperialism: Techno Fantasies and Frictions in Postsocialist Times, just recently published with Duke University...

Kiko Mayorga

Co-Founder of the Project

Kiko Mayorga researches and promotes the social adaption of technologies in Lima, Perú. He has worked in a range of curatorial and medial experiments dealing with the particularities of local technological appropiation. He is an active participant of the OLPC volunteering community in Perú, promoting and organizing talks, workshops, field activities, etc. Since 2009 he co-directs the project, an informal school/laboratory in the center of Lima that hosts processes bridging technology, education and local culture. The activities in Escuelab contribute to...

Jose Carlos Martinat and Kiko Mayorga: “Reality Environments: Persons as Things, Things as Persons”

April 6, 2015
Reality Environments: Persons as Things, Things as Persons Jose Carlos Martinat and Kiko Mayorga Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
April 6, 2015, 7:30-9:00pm
The David Brower Center, Berkeley CA

Lectures are free and open to the public.

Reserve your ticket here.


Angela Mattox

Director of Artist Initiatives at Creative Capital

For over two decades, Angela Mattox has dedicated her career to supporting and championing contemporary artists as a multi-disciplinary funder and presenter. From 2020-2024, she served as Creative Capital’s Senior Manager of Awardee Engagement. In that role, she worked closely with Creative Capital awardees to support the development of their projects, connecting artists to the skills, resources and industry networks they need to achieve their goals. Prior to joining Creative Capital, she developed bold artistic programs as a curator for the Wiener Festwochen/Vienna...

J. Michael Martinez

Poet and Assistant Professor of Poetry at San Jose State

J. Michael Martinez was born and raised in Greeley, Colorado. He is a graduate of the University of Northern Colorado and received an MFA from George Mason University. In 2009, Martinez’s collection Heredities was selected by Juan Felipe Herrera for the Academy of American Poets’ Walt Whitman Award and was published by Louisiana State University Press. His second book, In the Garden of the Bridehouse, was published by the University of Arizona...

Marianne Weems

Professor of Theater Arts at UC Santa Cruz

Marianne Weems is a theater and opera director and founder of the award-winning New York-based theater company The Builders Association, an influential ensemble that has created a significant body of work at the forefront of integrating media with live performance. With the company, she has created and directed 17 original large-scale productions and worked with unexpected collaborators including the architects Diller + Scofidio, The National Center for Super Computing Applications, and the South Asian arts collective motiroti. Her work has toured domestically and...

Michael Wasson


Michael Wasson is Nimíipuu from the Nez Perce Reservation in Lenore, Idaho. His poetry collection This American Ghost (YesYes Books) was winner of the Vinyl 45 Chapbook Prize. He was a 2019 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellow and a 2018 Native Arts and Cultures Foundation National Artist Fellow in Literature. His book Swallowed Light is forthcoming in spring 2022 from Copper Canyon Press. He currently lives in Japan.

Adel-Jing Wang

Sound Studies Scholar, Art Anthropologist, Curator and Practitioner in Sound Art

Based in Hangzhou, China, Adel-Jing Wang is a sound studies scholar, art anthropologist, curator and practitioner in sound art. She is currently an associate professor of sound studies at Zhejiang University, China and has also served as a visiting scholar at MIT Anthropology(2019-2020) andthe School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong (2017.2). She is the artist in residence at The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia (2022-2023) and founded the Sound Lab at the College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University (2015-2021). Wang is also the author...