Visiting Artist/Writer/Curator/Lecturer

Brett Cook: “Embodying Liberation: A Dialogue on Community and Healing”

October 6, 2014
Embodying Liberation: A Dialogue on Community and Healing with Brett Cook Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
October 6, 2014, 7:30-9:00pm
The David Brower Center, Berkeley CA

Lectures are free and open to the public.

Reserve your ticket here.

Watch the recording here!

John Perry Barlow: “The Death Throes of the Desert God”

September 8, 2014
The Death Throes of the Desert God with John Perry Barlow Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
September 8, 2014, 7:30-9:00pm
The David Brower Center, Berkeley CA

Watch the recording here!

Maya Lin: “What is Missing?”

September 29, 2014
What is Missing? with Maya Lin Art, Technology, and Culture Colloquium
September 29, 2014, 7:30-9:00pm
The David Brower Center, Berkeley CA

Lectures are free and open to the public.

Watch the recording here!

Critical Time: Claudia La Rocco in Conversation with Shannon Jackson

November 21, 2013
Critical Time: Claudia La Rocco in Conversation with Shannon Jackson November 21, 2013

For the last three years, ARC has explored a variety of time-based art practices from different disciplinary and regional perspectives. We have considered time-based practice in relation to the formal legacies of visual, performance, and cinematic forms. We have focused on places where experimental artists and curators learn from and revise each other, as well as the blindspots that still exist amongst contemporary circles of sculptural, choreographic, theatrical, musical, photographic,...

Fall 2021 Flash Reading Series

Poetry & the Senses Flash Reading Series Fall 2021 Weekly Releases

In spring 2021, ARC piloted a new Flash Reading Series featuring two dozen Bay Area community poets. We are thrilled to continue this series this fall, adding a dozen more Bay Area poets to our growing archive, with more to be added in spring. In addition to larger monthly readings (here) this series extends the number of voices we want to hear from, and carry with us, in these...

Flash Reading Series

In spring 2021, ARC piloted a new Flash Reading Series featuring two dozen Bay Area poets. reading one of their poems in relation to the theme “emerge/ncy”. In addition to ARC’s larger monthly readings, this series extended the number of voices we wanted to hear from, and carry with us, in these changing times – from emerging to established poets. Ongoing, we will add new Bay Area poets each April during National Poetry Month.

Over time, the series has turned into a growing online archive of Bay Area poets. These 52 short recorded readings are...

Danez Smith and Patricia Smith

December 3, 2020
Danez Smith and Patricia Smith | Readings + Conversation Thursday, December 3, 2020, 5:00-6:30 PST

This event took place online.
Find the full recording here.

Visual Activism: Day With(out) Art

November 30, 2020
Day With(out) Art 2020: TRANSMISSIONS Monday, November 30

Watch the videos here!

The Arts Research Center was proud to partner with Visual AIDS for Day With(out) Art 2020 by presenting TRANSMISSIONS, a program of six new videos considering the impact of HIV and AIDS beyond the United States. The video program brings together artists working across the world: Jorge Bordello (Mexico), Gevi Dimitrakopoulou (Greece), Las Indetectables (Chile...

Visual Activism: Ajuan Mance

November 24, 2020
Ajuan Mance: 1001 Black Men Tuesday, November 24
11:30-12:30pm PST

Watch the recording here!

Ajuan Mance is a Professor of English at Mills College and a lifelong artist and writer. She holds a B.A. from Brown University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. In both her scholarly writing and her visual art, Ajuan explores the complexities of race, gender, and identity in the U.S. The creator of the 1001 Black Men online sketchbook, Ajuan has participated in solo...