Creative Writing

Valuing Labor in the Arts: A Practicum

Valuing Labor in the Arts: A Practicum

This past April, ARC presented Valuing Labor in the Arts: A Practicum. This event hosted eight artist-led workshops in the UC Berkeley Museum of Art that developed exercises, prompts, or actions to engage questions of art, labor, and economics; the program also included a series of commissioned writings by critics and researchers whose work focuses on artistic labor and cultural economies in a special two-part issue of Art Practical, a leading Bay Area online platform. Both the publication and practicum asked: What kinds of tactics allow...

Impact in the Arts Think Tank

January 17, 2014
Impact in the Arts Think Tank January 17, 2014

On January 17, the Arts Research Center brought together Bay Area leaders in the arts and culture and UC Berkeley arts, humanities, and social science professors to address social and economic ‘impact’ in different artistic models. This daylong think tank discussion kicked off a series of related but differentiated activities we are plotting this term to explore a variety of research and art practices that address social and economic questions in the arts.

Our conversation began with reflection on a broad collection of...

Creative Time Live Stream

Creative Time Live Stream

In October of 2012 and 2013, the Arts Research Center and the Curatorial Practice Program at the California College of the Arts partnered with Creative Time to host a live-streaming of their annual Creative Time Summit. The live-streaming event provided a collective viewing experience for Bay Area artists, curators, scholars, and activists who are concerned with arts and social change. In addition to seeing the talks and panels from New York, participants had access to local responses and face-to-face small-group discussions.

In 2012, the focus...

Michael Wasson & Alice Te Punga Somerville Reading

March 8, 2023
Michael Wasson & Alice Te Punga Somerville in conversation with Beth Piatote Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 2:00 – 3:15pm PST

Watch the recording here!

This event is presented by the Arts Research Center with support of Engaging the Senses Foundation, and co-sponsorship from the Center for Race & Gender and Departments of English and Ethnic Studies.

Spring 2023 Co-Sponsored Events

Spring 2023 Co-Sponsored Events

ARC was thrilled to be co-sponsoring with Arts+ Design, Berkeley Center for New Media, Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Inquiry, Center for Latin American Studies, Engaging the Senses Foundation, English Department's Lunch Poems series, Future Histories Lab, Stanford and SFMOMA, and the Dept of Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies in Spring of 2023!

2023 Flash Reading Series

Spring 2023 Flash Readings Featured poets for April 2023 National Poetry Month Andrea Abi Karam, Kaylan Black, Gloria Frym, Yona Harvey, Leticia Hernández-Linares, Rina Huang, Việt Lê, Muriel Leung, Adam Mansbach, Dr. Ayodele Nzinga, Dr. Alan Pealaez Lopez, Tony Robles & Natalia M. Vigil Each poet will read one of their poems related to the theme Reclamation.

New Readings curated each Friday in April on our YouTube Channel here.

This series is...