Poetry and the Senses Fellows

Ayling Zulema Dominguez

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Ayling Zulema Dominguez is a poet, mixed media artist, and youth arts educator rooted in a poetics of anticolonial imagination. Their art and poetry ask who we are at our most free and what it might take to arrive there. Lyricality and reclamation of historically silenced voices and experiences inform their writing and artistry, as does abundance and collective care. They were a 2023 Prufer Poetry Prize Finalist, and received Honorable Mention for the 2022 Lorca Latinx Poetry Prize. They are an active mentee in the Latinx in Publishing Writers Mentorship Program....

Dr. Ines Hernandez-Avila

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Professor Hernandez-Avila is Niimiipuu/Nez Perce, of Chief Joseph’s band, enrolled on the Colville Reservation, Washington, on her mother’s side, and Tejana (and Mexican Indigenous) on her father’s side. A scholar, poet, and visual artist, her research and teaching focus on contemporary Indigenous literature of the Americas, and Indigenous religious traditions. She is a Ford Foundation Fellow at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels, and a member of the Society of Senior Ford Fellows. She is one of the six founders of the Native American and Indigenous Studies...

Amanda Galvan Huynh

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Amanda Galvan Huynh (she/her) is a Xicana writer and educator from Texas. She is the author Where My Umbilical is Buried (Sundress Publications 2023), a chapbook Songs of Brujería (Big Lucks September 2019), and Co-Editor of Of Color: Poets’ Ways of Making: An Anthology of Essays on Transformative Poetics (The Operating System 2019). Amanda has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best New Poets, and Sundress Publications’ Best of the Net. She was a 2016 AWP Intro Journal Project Award Winner, 2018 Best of the Net Winner, a finalist for the...

Sarah Hennessey

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Sarah Hennessey is Nimíipuu and she is a poet, performer, playwright, and youth empowerment theater practitioner. Her work highlights the symbiosis of storytelling and language reclamation. By integrating her penchant for literature and performance into her educational outreach, Sarah infuses her instruction with not just interdisciplinary pedagogy, but also both traditional and contemporary storytelling techniques. Her work has been published in literary journals such as Yellow Medicine Review and Pork Belly Press. Her first short play Weet’u...

Chris Hoshnic

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Chris Hoshnic is Diné from Sweetwater, Arizona. He is currently earning his B.A. in English at Arizona State University. In 2013, he graduated with an Associates in Video Production at Glendale Community College. His short film “Ozzy” premiered at the 2018 Jerome International Film Festival. He was a finalist in screenplay competitions at Austin Micro Film Festival, Phoenix Film Festival and Shore Scripts. In 2022, he was a Writing Fellow with the Emerging Diné Writers’ Institute (EDWI). He was a Special Projects Intern for Thousand Languages Project and...

Maurya Kerr

2021/22 ARC Fellow – Poetry & the Senses

Maurya Kerr is a bay area-based writer, educator, and artist. Maurya’s poetry has been nominated for a Pushcart prize and appears or is forthcoming in multiple journals, including Inverted Syntax, Chestnut Review, Tupelo Quarterly, little somethings press, and an anthology, “The Future of Black: Afrofuturism, Black Comics, and Superhero Poetry.” Much of her artistic work, across disciplines, is focused on Black and brown people reclaiming their birthright to wonderment. Maurya was recently chosen by Jericho Brown as a runner-up in Southern Humanities Review’s 2021...

Nathalie Khankan

2020 ARC Fellow – Poetry & the Senses

Nathalie Khankan is the author of quiet orient riot (Fall 2020), winner of Omnidawn’s 2019 1st/2nd Book Prize, selected by Dawn Lundy Martin. Her work appears in the Berkeley Poetry Review, jubilat, The Volta, and Crab Creek Review. Straddling Danish, Finnish, Syrian and Palestinian homes and heirlooms, Nathalie currently lives in San Francisco. She teaches Arabic language and literature in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at UC Berkeley.

Natalie was an ARC Fellow in Spring & Fall 2020 with the Poetry & the Senses initiative – she was chosen...

Fede Kong-Gonzalez

2023 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

Fede thinks about dragons, wings, wishes, coincidences, spirals, knots, seeds, breath. They’re only at the beginning of their journey with poetry and the arts at large–an exciting prospect. Their poetry is informed by their queer-chinese-latine identity and they find that art-making is a restorative process. They always emerge from a project having pulled out something they could never quite grab at before. Fede loves love, being undone, and a good string. For the new year they plan to do a bird watching Big Year, learn balance, and be in conversation.

Fede was an...

Anastasia Le

2021/22 ARC Fellow – Poetry & the Senses

Anastasia Le is a poet and printmaker from the Lake Chabot area of the East Bay. Her work can be found in Berkeley Poetry Review’s Midterm Five: Interlace/Intersect, the 2021 Southeast Asian Student Coalition anthology, and on the walls of her former co-op. She approaches poetry with a Vietnamese linguistic sensibility, but writes in English—she’s working on that. You can find her behind the counter at Eastwind Books of Berkeley planning their next open mic.

Anastasia was an ARC Fellow in Fall 2021 & Spring 2022 with the...

Anneka Lenssen

2019 ARC Fellow

Anneka Lenssen specializes in modern painting and contemporary visual practices, with a focus on the cultural politics of the Middle East. Her research examines problems of artistic representation in relation to the globalizing imaginaries of empire, nationalism, communism, decolonization, and Third World humanism.

She is the author of Beautiful Agitation: Modern Painting and Politics in Syria (UC Press, 2020), which won the 2021 Syrian Studies Association Best Book Prize and was shortlisted for the MSA Book Prize. She is also co-editor, with colleagues Nada...