ARC Fellows

Alenda Y. Chang

2010 ARC Fellow

Alenda Y. Chang is an Associate Professor in Film and Media Studies at UC Santa Barbara. With a multidisciplinary background in biology, literature, and film, she specializes in merging ecocritical theory with the analysis of contemporary media. Her writing has been featured in numerous journals, including Feminist Media Histories, Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, the Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, and Resilience, and her 2019 book, ...

Mel Y. Chen

2013 ARC Fellow

Mel Y. Chen (they/them+) is Professor of Gender & Women's Studies and Director for the Center for the Study of Sexual Culture at the University of California, Berkeley as well as Director of the Disability Studies Minor. Mel is also an affiliate of the Center for Race and Gender, the Institute for Cognitive and Behavioral Science, the Center for Science, Technology, Medicine, and Society, and the Haas Disability Studies and LGBTQ Citizenship Research Clusters. Previously, they served as Robert Sterling Clark Visiting Professor of Art History at Williams College, and...

최 Lindsay | Lindsay Choi

2021/22 ARC Fellow - Poetry & the Senses

최 Lindsay is a poet and translator working between English, Korean, and Swedish. They are the author of Transverse (Futurepoem, 2021), as well as a chapbook, Matrices (speCt! books, 2017). More of their work can be found in Omniverse, Aster(ix) Journal, and elsewhere, including a forthcoming sound piece for amatter. They are a Kundiman fellow and a Ph.D. candidate in English literature at UC Berkeley. With Noah Ross, they are a founding co-editor of the chapbook press ...


2020 ARC Fellow – Poetry & the Senses

Cianga (cha-nga) is a Congolese artist based in California, by way of South Africa. A recipient of the Cave Canem + EcoTheo’s Starshine & Clay Fellowship, Cianga creates interdisciplinary work that seeks to decolonize and disrupt language. They are currently an MFA candidate and have received residency and fellowship support from UC Berkeley’s Arts & Research Center, Brooklyn Poets, and Atlantic Center for the Arts. Her work can be found or is forthcoming in Foglifter Journal, Rappahannock Review, EcoTheo Review and elsewhere. They...

Catherine Cole

2014 ARC Fellow

Catherine M. Cole is Professor of Dance and English at the University of Washington, where she served as Divisional Dean of the Arts from 2016-2022. Her book Performance and the Afterlives of Injustice(2020),on dance and live art in contemporary South Africa and beyond, received a 2021 Special Citation for the Dance Studies Association's de la Torre Bueno Prize. Cole's previous books include ...

Majel Connery

2014 ARC Fellow

Majel Connery is an unclassifiable artist who rarely says no to anything. Her music ranges from the guttural to the sublime, appearing in punk rock clubs at night and by day at major destinations from The Kennedy Center to The Kitchen.

A vocalist and composer, Connery combines Classical influences with electronic mentality. Her singing has been called “superb” by the New York Times and her composition “thoroughly Schubertian” by the Wall Street Journal.

Connery is the host and producer of...

Jason Corburn

2015 ARC Fellow

Jason Corburn is a Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning and School of Public Health. He directs the Center for Global Healthy Cities and co-directs the joint Master of City Planning (MCP) and Master of Public Health (MPH) degree program at UC Berkeley. His research focuses on the links between environmental health and social justice in cities, notions of expertise in science-based policy making, and the role of local knowledge in addressing environmental and...

Michael Craig

2009 ARC Fellow

Michael Craig (East Asian Languages and Cultures) argues in his dissertation, "Beauty in / and / vs. Action: The Question of Aesthetics in 1990s Japanese Role-Playing Games," that Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs) of the late 1990s, contrary to scholarly assumptions, value extended periods of inaction. Much current academic video game theory begins from the assumption that games are designed to engage players in states of constant, fluid activity. Craig views the emphasis on emotion and visually evocative environments as a fundamental element of gameplay experience...

Maura Adela Cruz

2023/24 ARC Fellow - Indigenous Poetics Lab

Maura Adela Cruz (she/her) is an undergraduate student at the University of California, Berkeley pursuing a degree in English with a minor in Creative Writing. She was raised in California’s Central Valley to an Indigenous farmworker community and is of Zapotec and Mixtec descent. Maura’s poetry focuses on Zapotec language revitalization while also examining the circumstances imposed by settler-colonial nation-states like the U.S. and Mexico. Her poetic work seeks to document and preserve the cultural histories and worldviews embedded within her Indigenous Zapotec...

C. Greig Crysler

2014 ARC Fellow

C. Greig Crysler completed his professional training in architecture at the University of Waterloo, Canada and the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, UK. He teaches courses in the History, Theory and Society of Architecture. Through his leadership as Arcus Chair (2012-2022) and his role as Program Director of the CED’s Arcus Endowment, Crysler has translated his commitment to equity and social justice in design education into frameworks for student and faculty engagement, public discussion and alternative forms of pedagogy related to issues such as...