IPL Retreats

A multi-day retreat offers language revitalization artist-activists the opportunity to experiment, connect with peers, create, revitalize, and center the arts in their Indigenous language revitalization. 


Indigenous Poetics Lab Writing Workshop Retreat

Pt Reyes Field Station | October 21-23, 2022

Land and language were the focus of a writing workshop sponsored by ARC’s Indigenous Poetics Lab at the Point Reyes Field Station on October 22-23. Seven graduate students participated: Claudia Iron Hawk, Ataya Cesspooch, Everardo Reyes, Breylan Martin, Sierra Edd, Cristina Mendez, and Cynthia (Tzintia) Montano-Ramirez. They worked in languages as diverse as Diné, Dakhóta, Ute, Rarámuri, Mixtec, Mam, and Tligit experimented with writing prompts and land-based pedagogies to center the arts in Indigenous language revitalization work. The workshop was led by Beth Piatote, Nez Perce, director of the Arts Research Center and chair of the DE in Indigenous Language Revitalization at Berkeley.