Panel Discussion: When Presenters Become Curators/When Curators Become Presenters

April 29, 2011

The first panel of the daylong symposium "Curating People," presented by the Arts Research Center at UC Berkeley ( on April 29, 2011, this discussion of "When Presenters Become Curators/When Curators Become Presenters" is introduced by Shannon Jackson (UC Berkeley), moderated by Leigh Markopoulos (California College of the Arts), and features Betti-Sue Hertz and Angela Mattox (Yerba Buena Center for the Arts), Erin Doughton and Kristan Kennedy (Portland Institute for Contemporary Art), and David Henry (Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston). Documentation of this event is being posted in support of continued research and professional dialogue. Despite the limited sightlines, all speakers are clearly audible.

Watch the video here!

Curating People: Panel Discussion

Curating People: Panel Discussion