Chapbook Celebration

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Chapbook Celebration

Featuring: Menat Allah El Attma, Nathalie Khankin, Rusty Morrison, Gracia Mwamba, Beth Piatote, Jared Robinson, Alex Saum-Pascual, Jennif(f)er Tamayo

Monday April 10th, 2023 | 5:00 – 6:30p PDT

Hearst Field Annex D23 – ARC

This event is presented by the Arts Research Center and Engaging the Senses Foundation.

On Monday April 10th, at 5pm PST, we’ll welcome back our 2020 Poetry and the Senses Fellows for a special evening celebrating the launch of their chapbook. During their fellowship semester the fellows explored the theme of Emergency. Each fellow will read one of their poem, and chapbooks will be available to sign. This event is part of ARC’s Poetry and the Senses initiative generously sponsored by Engaging the Senses Foundation. Join us in toasting these incredible poets!