Tag Archives : making


We are constantly making to survive, learn, earn, and experience. Making is one of the fundamental activities for us which happens every second. We make our own food daily; we make friends; we make notes to study; we make art and music to enjoy; we make mistakes; we make achievements, and we make thoughts and perspectives.

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CREATIVE TIME: Jennifer Huang

To make something is to extend oneself. The making of things contradicts man’s ever-present fascination with death and transience. The Flemish Renaissance theme of vanitas warns that our life is transient, but the paintings, with their brilliant bouquets and subtle symbols of death and decay, outlive its warning.

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CREATIVE TIME: Shannon Jackson

This word– MAKING — appears to be the most neutral of Creative Time’s keywords this year. But I think I want to use it to reflect upon the not entirely neutral factors that prompt some artists, critics, art administrators, and activist citizens to feel hailed by the Creative Time Summit while others barely know that it exists.

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CREATIVE TIME: Tali Weinberg

On September 12th I woke up to the news that hundreds had died in a factory fire in Pakistan. It took me a moment to realize that the report was not about the all-too-similar tragedy that took place 101 years earlier in New York. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire killed 146 workers, mostly young women from immigrant families who either burned or jumped to their death from the 8th floor of the building since the workers had otherwise been locked in.

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My thoughts on inequity, making, occupation, and tactics are currently entangled. I am thinking through a recent paper by Daphne Plessner published online via Art & Education. At the moment, I cannot say anything better than she, so please forgive the cheap trick of supplying a quote and a link as my application into the Summit viewing party.

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