Tag Archives : VA

Art History in the Age of Big Data

Art history’s data-based foundation has regained interest in the digital age, as new tools are developed to create interactive learning and research experiences. The presenters will discuss their online projects linking information about artworks to rich caches of data.

Guest Lecturer: Rebecca Baron

Rebecca Baron is known for her probing essay films concerned with the construction of history, with a particular interest in media archeology and the ways different cine/photographic image making materials create meaning and also hold historiographic

Saved by Language (2014) and Jews of the Spanish Homeland (1929)

Saved by Language recounts the personal story of Moris Albahari, a Sephardic Jew from Sarajevo, who spoke Ladino (Judeo-Spanish), his native tongue, to survive the Holocaust. This 1929 documentary film contains close-ups of the leading Balkan Sephardi rabbis of the time and rare footage of Jewish schools, residential quarters, synagogues, and cemeteries as well as […]