Tag Archives : regulations

CREATIVE TIME: Christina Shih

United States faces many health issues, from insurance plans to forty-four percent of adults becoming obese by 2030. These problems, unknowingly to many people, have some roots in the political and economical world. For example, the problem with trying to get many middle class families insured starts with the problem that insurance plans are too expensive and a lot of people cannot afford them.

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CREATIVE TIME: Tali Weinberg

On September 12th I woke up to the news that hundreds had died in a factory fire in Pakistan. It took me a moment to realize that the report was not about the all-too-similar tragedy that took place 101 years earlier in New York. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire killed 146 workers, mostly young women from immigrant families who either burned or jumped to their death from the 8th floor of the building since the workers had otherwise been locked in.

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