Tag Archives : inequities


Gutter punks act as both an ideal and a marginalized group within the consistently paradoxical subculture that is punk. They exemplify the values of punk by living as a physical marker of anti-authority and are considered part of the vagabond, vagrant, homeless population by the Main Street eye. “Vagabonds throughout history have been seen as ‘indeterminate’ in the sense that they do not exist in fixed social or spatial locations” but are constantly somewhere in the visual public regions of and between cities (Amster, pp. 3).

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Asian-Americans are notorious for doing well academically. According to a report published by the Pew Research Center this past June, the rapid rise in Asian immigrants along with a high cultural value placed upon education and academic success, it is of no surprise that the growing influx of Asian-Americans into the high-skilled workforce is occurring (and arguably, has already occurred). Asians represent only five percent of the U.S. population, yet represent three to five times that in Ivy League universities.

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There is so much inequity across the globe that needs to be confronted, which is why it is so difficult to face head on. Thus, in order to fix the lack of fairness in the world we have to fix the issues one step at a time, in each country. For instance instead of attacking the globe, we need to address the inequalities of each nation starting from the smallness of injustice.

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CREATIVE TIME: Rebecca Neumann

How we individually or collectively think about inequality has a huge effect on our political views, but it also implicitly affects so many other aspects of our lives as members of society. It shapes our understanding of our social circles, our jobs, our schools, and countless other things, and it penetrates each of those institutions so deeply that it affects assumptions about how societies work that are so fundamental that we aren’t usually aware that they’re even assumptions.

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CREATIVE TIME: Stephanie Zhou

What if we were all just shadows on a wall? Everybody is uniform. Everybody is just slightly defined, black massless creatures lurking in every corner and on every wall. Nothing hurts when we’re stuck on a wall. Life may not be particularly exciting, but it could be good, dancing around our light source.

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The first thing that comes to mind when most people hear the word “inequalities” is the growth income gap between rich and poor in our society. In the last three decades, the economy has been growing very slowly. However, income growth happened mostly at the top of the income scale. The share of total income of the top 1% jumped from 8.9% in 1976 to 23.5% in 2007. Yet in the same period, the real hourly wage declined by over 7%.

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